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hi all, have just come home to find my girls have heavy mold on the top colas...there are really big elephantitus like growths in those spots. :peace:

the fan had stopped while i was away, so i am lucky the house didnt burn down i guess.

anyway, was wondering if anyone had some thoughts on maximizing harvest which is about 2 - 3 weeks away, after i hack out all the sad sad sad wasted head.

i also have noticed a little yellow spore looking thing under some of the shade leaves on one of the girls.



thanks phin.

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hi all, have just come home to find my girls have heavy mold on the top colas...there are really big elephantitus like growths in those spots. :peace:

the fan had stopped while i was away, so i am lucky the house didnt burn down i guess.

anyway, was wondering if anyone had some thoughts on maximizing harvest which is about 2 - 3 weeks away, after i hack out all the sad sad sad wasted head.

i also have noticed a little yellow spore looking thing under some of the shade leaves on one of the girls.



thanks phin.

dear phineas,

hows it gong mate,

i've seen simular pests years ago, when i was experimenting.but we found in the end, we changed our medium to an imported coco cor, one that has nimods in it, ask in the shops, it's out there.the nimods kill all organism from word go, so this aliminated all pest from start.

And your other problem with the fan stopping, it is sad, but if your fair dinkum, you might invest in either a ups system to back up your power supply, or purchase a fan thermostat control, for your fans (in & out), set up on your ups.

Anywayit is suggestable you get yourself a copy of the indoor growers bible, titled "Integral hydroponics".

i didn't think i needed to read it, but when i did, i notice i've gone back for answers, & they all be there.

anyway i hope this may help you phineas.



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dear phineas,

hows it gong mate,

i've seen simular pests years ago, when i was experimenting.but we found in the end, we changed our medium to an imported coco cor, one that has nimods in it, ask in the shops, it's out there.the nimods kill all organism from word go, so this aliminated all pest from start.

And your other problem with the fan stopping, it is sad, but if your fair dinkum, you might invest in either a ups system to back up your power supply, or purchase a fan thermostat control, for your fans (in & out), set up on your ups.

Anywayit is suggestable you get yourself a copy of the indoor growers bible, titled "Integral hydroponics".

i didn't think i needed to read it, but when i did, i notice i've gone back for answers, & they all be there.

anyway i hope this may help you phineas.




I want whatever he's on.

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thanks guys, i started working on the humidity factor as soon as i got back, i'm hoping to cut out enuff grey mildew mold nemetode pain in the fuckin a hole shit as i can, maybe veg these girls and take a couple of cuttings from the better ones and cut my losses.

the fan actually died, it wasnt a power issue - they were under lights.

upward and onward, huh?

i remember an old dude way back in the tropics who said to use bicarb when his indica strains would show mold.....anyone tried it?might give it a go.

i'd say he was right onto the prob tho, this is well set in.

thanks again phin :peace:

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hi phineas

all mould attacks have 1 ting in common

K deficiency

stress can cause a plant to use up all available K in less than 1hr

and then and only then can mould attack a plant

when you fan went down

the sudden increase in room temp and humidity would have been enough to stress your beloved ladies

and caused ideal conditions for muold spoors to greminate and grow




First fix the fan

Next, just before the light cycle starts,

thoughly spray all effected buds with a liquid K fets

eg Kelp

or my fave is


Google it


Eco-carb rulez

Potasum Bicarbonate

will kill all mould

100% instantaly


Irey Guidance


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