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Recreational Cannabis "No Problem" Say Boston Police

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Recreational Cannabis "No Problem" Say Boston Police

Bill Stone

PR Cannazine

4 January 2009



On January 26th 2009 the British government is set to increase the penalties for simple cannabis possession, up from 2 years jail time, to 5 years.


According to the Home Office this action is being taken to "send a message" that cannabis is dangerous, and is therefore unacceptable in the United Kingdom.


Meanwhile in Boston, Massachusetts in the United States of America, State police have today announced they will no longer ticket people caught in possession of cannabis, and regardless of whether they are actually caught smoking cannabis or not.


Mark R. Laverdure, chief of police in Clinton, a Central Massachusetts town of about 8,000 residents, told the Boston Globe; "You'll probably have a lot of Police officers that, unless there's a caller complaining about it, won't even bother with it."


"They probably handled a lot of it informally before" he continued, "and probably more so now."


In November 2008 a new law was passed in the state of Massachusetts, which states that possession of an ounce or less of cannabis would see the subject receive only a $100 fixed penalty (around £50), with no criminal proceedings.


Public Ballot = Democracy

The law was passed via a public ballot, which came back showing a massive 65% public approval rate, for the decriminalisation of cannabis for personal use and just to clarify a point this initiative has nothing at all to do with medical cannabis. This is an official decriminalisation of personal, recreational use.


Under the laws as they stood prior to November 2008, possession of small amounts of marijuana in Massachusetts was a criminal offense, with a possible fine of $500 and up to a six-month jail term.


Police say they have not received new ticket books to reflect the new law, nor do they have the ability to force users to show valid identity when questioning someone. A clear prioritisation of how American Police view the cannabis issue today, in 2009.


Which must surely bring into doubt the wisdom of the United Kingdom ramping up action against a British cannabis community which numbers some 4 million + British voters.


If you DISAGREE with the reclassification of cannabis please send this article to your Member of Parliament and ask them why, in the UK we are sending sick people who use cannabis in the relief of their symptoms to prison, and yet in the United States, without a doubt our closest international trade (and war) partner, they are decriminalising it steadily, state by state.


You can find the contact details for your member of parliament by visiting http://www.theyworkforyou.com /, and putting your post code into the box provided.


Please DO send this to your elected MP. Tens of thousands of British citizens who will be forced into court appeareances which may well stop them from getting jobs, higher education and public housing, depend on your action.


By Bill Stone


The Cannabis Lobby



Whether you use cannabis, you know someone who uses cannabis, or perhaps you are more concerned with looking after the future well-being of your children and would like to see sensible, evidence based drugs policies implemented in the UK?


Either way, please consider joining us on The Cannabis Lobby . Lend us your vote, and your voice, as we take our science based campaign all the way to Parliament Square.

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