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Help me I'm ilvaped!

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I have a vaporite hyper vr- 003 (from cheating the hangman) Came real quick, but I can't get any good pulls out of it.

Does any one know where I should set it? 390F is where its at and a bit of experimentation hasn't found anything better?

Instructions say pack lightly on screen and tamp down with rubber on pencil or something. How much weed should I use? how thick should it be?

The fan comes on and an alarm sounds, when should I start toking?


I have been a bonger for years and am so far less than impressed with the hyper. But I just feel like a good "pull" (so to speak) is just aroud the corner and I will fall in love with my new hyper friend....


Can anyone with experience help me?

Otherwise what is a good vaporizer, that works for buds (well) and can be bought in Australia????




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I find that if you loosely put a thin layer in (about 1/3 to 1/2 that you would for a cone), doesnt need to be packed down tight just enough to press it against the screen with the gold screen. Then when it reaches temp, treat the pull as if drinking from a straw and inhale at the same time but not to hard. This way works for me and I can get 2 large 'pulls' before the fan stops and it has to reheat (I have mine set for 372*F). Remember that the vaporizer high is different to a bong high; comes on slower and creeps up then BAM your baked! :scratchin:


Sorry if that doesnt make sence to anyone else..... it did to me at the time :blink:

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