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A White Heaven Germination

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ok.. now for transplanting these into separate little cups.. ive got little tree planters.. readily avialable at any garden center or nursery..

carefully tip the planter on its side and pull apart the seedlings.. remove any eccess dirt from around the root zone being careful not to damage the roots this is where i take the next cull as all these wont fit in the box i have.. so ill take the biggest and most vigorous seedlings.. again plant out as many as you can..




the ones that made it... post-7014-1230531205_thumb.jpg

the onse that didnt... post-7014-1230531315_thumb.jpg

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here ive just got foam broccoli tubs.. the top one has drainage holes and the bottom to catch the runoff.. the top one ive filled with perlite to sit the cups in..

the seedlings have been surviving off the nutrients provided by the wormcastings, so up until now they have just been living on plain rainwater... since transplanting these from soil to hydro youll need to start providing nutrients.. at this stage i will start them off on 1/4 strength.. just so they can settle in from the transplant, they dont need much.. but around 50mls 2-3 times a day while the light is on...




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here these seedlings are 39days from the day they floated on water and have been sexing for 3 days.. to do this all i do is turn the light back to 12/12 light cycle..

up until this they have been getting pretty much full strength nutrient solution... and since ive turned to 12/12 they have been getting full strength flowering nutrient.. at around 1600PPM..


sexing, a leaf inside a leaf.. and a weird one thats grown 2 main crowns all by itself.. it looks like its been tipped, but it hasnt..




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these have been sexing now for about 5 days and heres a few pics showing signs of sex.. what i need is the females.. these will eventually go into the main room and grown out..




here you can see where the branch comes off the main stalk the little white hairs that are the definite signs of a female..

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heres a pic of one showing male signs.. like a little ball hanging..




back under the 400 for a few more days and what even hasnt shown sex by then will be culled.. along with any males..

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now all we need to do is pick out the females.. we need to make sure theyre all females.. to do this you need to look right in where the branches come out of the main stalks.. you have a sexing point on each side of the branch... either showing a white hair or fibre or a grape like ball or stubb.. some plants will have 2 points with white hairs.. a female.. or 2 points with a ball or stubb .. a males.. some will show one of each.. a hermaphrodite ..


the females.. post-7014-1230536431_thumb.jpg



males and hermies are ditched and the females and selected.. i need to prune these back and put them back under the 400PHS to reveg.. pruning is simply done by cutting the guts out of the plant.. of course this doesnt need to be done but since they are going in to the main room and will need to be trained i do this to get more branches.. i leave the bottom 4 - 6 branches..


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these could be planted out at this stage and set back onto an 18/6 light cycle, but my main room isnt ready for these just yet.. so they will go back in the wardrobe until it is.. onto an 18/6 light cycle.. and back onto vegetative nutrients at full strength.. around 1600PPM

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now these have been back onto a 18/6 light cycle for 10 days.. and need to pruned again.. im after 8-12 main crowns to be trained out in the main room.. so cut them right back to the bottom 2 branches on every crown.. they will grow up and will be easily trained out..


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ill place these under a 20/4 light cycle to try and keep the branches a little closer together just for a few more days then they will be transplanted into the main room..

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by now these seedlings are about 3 months old.. they are definitely ready to be transplanted into the main room..


these plants were transplanted into the main room and grown out to perfection as usual as these were F1 seeds i expected to find a few different phonotypes.. these will need to be grown out and flowered to find the one that is the nicest.. you can clone these at this stage and label them.. or if space is an issue do what i do and revegetate the ones you want to keep.. .. but thats a whole different topic...


this effectively ends this germination tutorial.. i hope home growers can find it of some use


heres some pics of them transplated into perlite..


post-7014-1230537831_thumb.jpg post-7014-1230537899_thumb.jpg

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