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There is a dedicated forum for this type of question...


Try looking here...


or you could even try www.overgrow.com, the have a nice FAQ section on lighting...


and if you still cannot find it there, Im sure the guys here will be more than happy to answer your Q's...


( sorry, Im a newbie, so I cannot answer your Q, but I can give you advise.. Theres a 'search' button located top right... and it works unreal... Happy Toke'n )


- Merv

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mate don't apologise. Never feel you can't ask any question in these forums. Just that sometimes the best answer is to suggest you go and do some research yourself, because without some basic knowledge on your part, questions can be too general for any of us to answer properly.
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Hey matt if u have a look around all the pawn shops and places like that i bet u will find a second hand lite setup i got 1 my self from a pawn shop for $90(400w hps) and that inclued the ballest,batwing and globe and as pipeman said have a look at the salvos for a cheap wardrobe i got 1 for $30 i think and thay droped it off for me :D
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and if you still cannot find it there, Im sure the guys here will be more than happy to answer your Q's...


( sorry, Im a newbie, so I cannot answer your Q, but I can give you advise.. Theres a 'search' button located top right... and it works unreal...  Happy Toke'n )


- Merv

Merv, if you know an answer don't let being a newbie stop you helping someone, the main reason for the existence of this site is so that growers can help out other growers and the more points of view we get the better, so post away.


put.that.in.ur.pipe.n.smoke.it, check the links in my signature for information on lighting.



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Guest Urbanhog

Please don't help this guy... he's proved to be underage...


I think you SHOULDNT be making any postings here.


This is 18+ site.


Sorry again put.that.in.ur.pipe.n.smoke.it :)


Urbanhog :D

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hey what a fucked statement, dont help him cause hes under 18+ i thought we were trying to get away from that sort of shit,

I for one was aserious smoker at 13-14 yrs old and grew my first bush at 16, lets help everyone,

if we dont help EVERYONE all they will do is try and do it on their own and get busted or stuff it up,

lets get rid of that your under 18 so your just a little boy go play7 with your lego stereotypes,

I for one had freinds that didnt grow up at all, they still act 15,

also years means nothing as some of us grew up hard and fast and by 15 were just as mature as other 20 yr olds.


to answer your question mate, if you are underage then money will be an issue, just buy seconf hand fluros, its how i started out, HPS lights are the bomb but expensive, if you buy second hand HPS buy a NEW sontagro bulb.

if you buy fluros and can afford it then get a 4 fluro holder and have 2 grow lights and 2 softwhite bulbs.

I agree in principle but if mj users are going to be seen as responsible then there need to be some acts of responsibility and an age limitation of 18 years is one. Not a lot is known yet about the harmful side affects of mj but it is known that it is not good for young people still in their growth years, it is also not something that should be used by people still at school and studying for their future as it does interfere with the learning process.


The main problem for put.that.in.ur.pipe.n.smoke.it is that he posted his age as sixteen and that gave Urbanhog no choice but to react in the way he did, due to the nature of the internet it's unlikely we would have known otherwise, it's a pity really as he came over as much more mature than some other new members we have had.



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