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simple COCO grow?

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Folks I've been reading alot about what people have been doing with COCO as the growing medium on here and it doesn't seem too hard however I googled some of these canna products for use with the COCO medium and it seems as if you need alot of products and testers etc to do it properly??


I don't think I'm really interested in stuffing round with test kits and liquids and buffers just so the damn plants can absorb the nutrients you are feeding them.


I only hand water as this works best for me


Can you get away with power feed and seasol or other organic nutes in COCO??


Otherwise I think I'll go back to an organic soil mix, which yielded quite well under 400hps

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Hi John c,


I googled some of these Canna products for use with the COCO medium and it seems as if you need alot of products and testers etc to do it properly??


:( :whistle: to the need for a lot of shit, however there is specifically designed nutrients for use with Coco as the medium to grow in. As with your usual compost growing there are 2 parts (Part A & Part :bongon: that make up 1 product each for the 2 main stages (cycles) that a grow goes trough (vegetative and flowering). That is, there is a Part A & Part B for the vegetative, or growth cycle and a Part A and Part B for the 'flower cycle'. Also, apart from being specifically designed to provide the right amount of nutrients in correct ratios (amounts) Coco is a "sterile medium" having no micro-organisms and bacteria in it as opposed to compost and soil or dirt which dose contain beneficial and harmful bacteria and microorganisms. It could be argued this is a benefit and it could go the other way - I feel it's a benefit not having harmful bacteria present in my grow medium.


PH can often cause growers to come unstuck at any point in a grow. So while not absolutely essential as you could measure accurately with reasonable succvess wnen not having a device a PH meter is well worth obtaining for minimal cost ($40 - $110 range). I'd go for a digital PH meter as if you have ever tried using the paper colour matching test paper style tye there so inaccurate and not good indicaters many times of the actual PH . Plenty of hydroponic sellers on ebay have them. In fact I picked up what I thought was a PH meter only to find out it is a "EC meter" (EC = Electrical Conductivity meter) and measures dissolved solids in suspention in ppm (parts per million). This (EC) gives you a reading (number) as too how strong your nutrients are in your mix you have made up to feed (water). Again with skillful measurements (done whilst not stoned -a feat difficult to achieve by many a grower of herb/pot/grass) it is possible. I have done it, but feel more in control and have the ability to expolore differing manipulations on things like nutrient levels and the like.


Simply put 2 meters would assist in your growing well. They are 1) PH meter measuring alkalinity and acidity & 2) EC meter measuring dissolved solids is suspension (nutrients in water). Think of these meters and what they do ( measure stuff) as being complimentary in that they effect each other. Too high a PH may often cause your nutrients to become 'locked out' from absorption trough roots and becoming food for a plant. Similarly, if the EC is to high (nutrient too strong) often the same 'locked out situation arises. The symptoms (problems) displayed are quite different in these 2 situations (too high nutrient level & too high PH level). PH & EC are 'interelated'. EC effects PH levels and PH effects EC levels.


If your intending to venture to the dark side (hydro grow) then these instruments are essential tools. Otherwise you can do with out by taking accurate measurements of your 'mix'. I'm a "hand waterer" as you prefer to do & my only adviceis to use a "shower rose" on ya watering can.


Can you get away with power feed and seasol or other organic nutes in COCO??


Now this is where I may be jumped on here ........... yes and no. lol I have done so out of necessity, however, for best results use a specifically designed Coco medium nutrient such as "Canna Coco Veg A & B during the vegetative stage/cycle and Canna Flores A & B in Flower stage/cycle.


Otherwise I think I'll go back to an organic soil mix, which yielded quite well under 400hps


All yo need to change then is the medium you use as a base medium.


Most trouble people have with Coco is they tend to over water. Coco's water retention volume is high and water tends to clog up the roots if they drown. :disguise: Also, while the surface may look very dry the interior, or middle of the pot is super-saturated.



One hand waterer to another "Just try Coco - i did and never looked back - it's just another medium".




Edited by nitram
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Alright thanks for the advice GILLS , NITRAM ...........any one else ???



Asked my local hydro shop and they said organic nutes such as powerfeed n seasol are fine with COCO


So I'm giving the COCO a shot(well I've already had seedlings on the go for 2 weeks in COCO).Purchased some canna rhizotonic to help things along as well

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Give this shot at the coco fiber because i think is one of the best growing medium....more fast than the soil and more easy to use than hydro.


Just take a ph.meter (also the cheaper like the tester used in aquarium this)...you have to use this when give water to plants....check the PH is one of the things necessary to do when use COCO (plant in COCO grow more faster, and also the problem if arrive, arrive more faster)


For the nutes normally just use canna coco a+b for vege and flow...some use also root booster, enzym for cleaning the medium, flower booster, and other things....but not are necessary.


NOt give to the plant a lot of water...when you think to do, put your finger deep in the medium and listen if is wet....and also with the nutes not follow perfectly the usage doses write in the bottle but start with 3/4 dosage and grow time by time.


If you want use coco and do not use anything (ph tester, nutes, etc)...i have try with 30/70 of soil and coco...not is fast like normal coco but do not have to put anything (but u have to check that the soil it's very good)

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