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How Safe Are You on the Net ?

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I got busted this year for having nine plants. There were actually only four of them alive..and they were male. No street value whatsoever. The other five I got done for were only the roots and a bit of stem. I'd cut them out, when I realised they were males. The other four turned out to be males too. I just kept them alive, to have some leaf. The cops put a street value of $16,000!!!!!!!! on it. I got a big fine and a criminal conviction. I'm a 64 year old female, who suffers from severe arthritis and I find that using cannabis takes the edge off my pain. I even had a letter from my doctor to verify my illness, but the arsehole magistrate still through the book at me....Mistyville



The law is farked.... for them to not recognise they were male for a lessor penalty is just wrong

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HEHEHEHE ,, I have already heard the stories , he is a fair man . NOT ALL COPS are bad ... just as NOT ALL stoners are bad ,, think about it :D


You're right. 99.9% of them give the good ones a bad name.


Actually it's only the traffic cops that are jackboot arsewipes.


Most plain clothes coppers loather traffic police.

Edited by smokinjoe
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Just all the ones that I encounter :D


As for tracking ppl via this site, I'm sure it's much easier for cops to walk into parties, nightclubs etc. with a bogus excuse and find plenty of people to bust.


...that or their trotters aren't real flash for operating a mouse or keyboard :D


Ever been to an an outdoor dance party/festival?


Clothed coppers walk around basically making sure no-one is selling the shit. Otherwise there is 25000+ people completely off tap.


Usually the ones getting carted out have had a little to much to drink; go figure.

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I got busted this year for having nine plants. There were actually only four of them alive..and they were male. No street value whatsoever. The other five I got done for were only the roots and a bit of stem. I'd cut them out, when I realised they were males. The other four turned out to be males too. I just kept them alive, to have some leaf. The cops put a street value of $16,000!!!!!!!! on it. I got a big fine and a criminal conviction. I'm a 64 year old female, who suffers from severe arthritis and I find that using cannabis takes the edge off my pain. I even had a letter from my doctor to verify my illness, but the arsehole magistrate still through the book at me....Mistyville


With the greatest respect Misty I hope you didn't pay your lawyer too much.

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You're right. 99.9% of them give the good ones a bad name.


Actually it's only the traffic cops that are jackboot arsewipes.


Most plain clothes coppers loather traffic police.

Are we talking 99.9% stoners or cops here ?? With attitudes like yours , I would say Stoners :D

It fucken amazes me that "some" stoners carry on about being stereotyped etc .. yet they do it themselves :D

I know quite a few cops and they are fine ,, they realise the law is fucked and hate it themselves ,, yet they HAVE to do their job and they try and do it fairly ! And the way some stoners carry on , I got to say they deserve it ! Try being civil to the next cop and see what happens , instead of handing out abuse etc ! Just like the wanker that carries on and hurls abuse at the neighbour that has asked you to turn the music down at your party because they have a BABY that is trying to sleep !

The cops that are usually the assholes , are usually the young ones that want to make a name for themselves or have no commonsense to use their own discretion , or are the ones that are old and BITTER .

Think about it .

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I just realised that in my reply , I seem like the enemy ,, but I am not ,, I just hate the new age /young stoners that are about now ,with their bad attitude that they think the world owes them something , yes , I am old , 40 !

I havent had a cone yet , maybe I will calm down when I have one ,, I have been fishing all day and am tired and sunburnt , even though I took all the precautions :D

Edited by Closet Grower
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Are we talking 99.9% stoners or cops here ?? With attitudes like yours , I would say Stoners :D

It fucken amazes me that "some" stoners carry on about being stereotyped etc .. yet they do it themselves :D

I know quite a few cops and they are fine ,, they realise the law is fucked and hate it themselves ,, yet they HAVE to do their job and they try and do it fairly ! And the way some stoners carry on , I got to say they deserve it ! Try being civil to the next cop and see what happens , instead of handing out abuse etc ! Just like the wanker that carries on and hurls abuse at the neighbour that has asked you to turn the music down at your party because they have a BABY that is trying to sleep !

The cops that are usually the assholes , are usually the young ones that want to make a name for themselves or have no commonsense to use their own discretion , or are the ones that are old and BITTER .

Think about it .


CG I hope you've had a bowl by now you old thing. FYI I am only a few years behind you.


Excuse me for not putting the damn :D beside every bloody statement so those whom are a bit sensitive get that I was actually joking.


I was talking about the coppers. 99.9% of them give the good ones the bad name.


edit: bloody fingers I hit the return key (whoops enter, showing my age now)


You just did a bit of stereotyping yourself :P


In anycase I have clients that are coppers. Jackboot traffic cops suck balls.


I rarely give cops a reason to talk to me, and when I do I usually play the ole yes sir no sir three bags full sir and get away with whatever it was they had occasion to speak to me about.

Edited by smokinjoe
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