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How Safe Are You on the Net ?

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Have been talking to my Bro inlaw , who is in the Federal Police . He is about 3rd from the top , in the PC division, thats no BULLSHIT !

Well , he tells me , that if they were really bothered about Pot Growers , that this site could be hacked very easily . Scared me , as he doesnt know that I smoke .

BUT , the reason that this site isnt scrutinized is because they have better things to do such as , Terrorism , and pedophiles . Which is good , for us all . He says that the main reason Pot Growers get busted , are so called friends dobbing people in on a Local level , or neighbors seeing suspicious behaviour , So theres a bit of inside info :/ Dont let ya so called friends see what you are doing ,, and keep nosey neighbours out :yahoo:

The Feds arent after us as growers , but they will target Bikers etc with a LARGE ring going . They leave the small dealers/growers to the Local cops , which as I said before , get their info from the Dobbers .

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Scared me, as he doesnt know that I smoke.


He might now. Ask him if they still put suspects in lockers and roll them down stairs until they confess.


Cops don't generally chase criminals. They wait for them to stuff up which a lot of them invariably do. Even when caught, 99% of people are only ever convicted because they couldn't keep their mouths shut.


Cops are looking for big busts. You guys aren't worth the paper work. When I was living in Glebe several years ago I stayed at a backpackers where everyone on the top floor was smoking bucket bongs. The cops knocked on the door to tell them they should close the windows. Thats all they did.

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I got busted this year for having nine plants. There were actually only four of them alive..and they were male. No street value whatsoever. The other five I got done for were only the roots and a bit of stem. I'd cut them out, when I realised they were males. The other four turned out to be males too. I just kept them alive, to have some leaf. The cops put a street value of $16,000!!!!!!!! on it. I got a big fine and a criminal conviction. I'm a 64 year old female, who suffers from severe arthritis and I find that using cannabis takes the edge off my pain. I even had a letter from my doctor to verify my illness, but the arsehole magistrate still through the book at me....Mistyville
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