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The poorest cannabis farm in town

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Mark Thompson

18 December 2008



©2008 Johnston Press Digital Publishing





HAPLESS John Allison tried to set up his own cannabis farm in yoghurt pots – but forgot to put the bulb in the lamp he bought to help them grow.

Allison's attempt was labelled "the poorest cannabis farm in town" after police raided his home and stumbled across 10 drooping plants in tiny pots, which were dying because there was no light. But

his "laughable" attempts still landed him in court where he was slapped with a fine for cultivating cannabis.


Hartlepool magistrates heard how police discovered the plants by chance as they carried out a raid in search of the missing mayoral chains last month.


Officers were executing a search warrant on another man who was believed to be living in the same house as Allison, in Milton Road, Hartlepool.


The 30-year-old's solicitor, Barry Gray, described the farm as "almost laughable in its simplicity".


Mr Gray said: "He was cultivating these plants in a very basic and ineffective way.


"There was nothing sophisticated at all about it and, to be frank, the plants were quickly dying.


"He was using yoghurt pots and a light which didn't even have a bulb in.


"Police soon realised they were dealing with the poorest cannabis farm in town, almost laughable in its simplicity.


"It is not like the big hauls that have become before the court fairly frequently – but at the complete opposite end of the scale."


Prosecutor Alan Davison, who described the plants as "four inches high and of very poor quality," said police believed Allison was growing the plants for personal use.


Mr Gray added: "You could say my client has been very unlucky as he lives in a house with others.


"It is they who police executed a warrant on because of missing mayoral chains, and he became caught up in it."


Chair of the bench William Grainger fined Allison £100 and ordered him to pay £60 in costs as well as a £15 victim surcharge.

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