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Hey ppl..


I Suffer From Back Pain . 5 slipped disc's in lower back, That adds To Nerve Pain Down Both Legs .

oh.. & front half of left foot is kinda numb ,Feels like i'm walking on a golf ball.

I allso Have Both Shoulders that dislocate every now & then but thats another story..


Just Asking What Strains Would be good to remove the back pain? Thanks. :D

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Guest Field_of_Light

This isnt anywhere in the same league of pain that you all seem to be talking about and really isnt much related......but....I got quite whacked when I was 16 and I stood on a nail piercing my foot....basically it hurt like hell.....and for the next two years everytime I smoked a joint that spot on my foot where the nail penetrated would feel like it was throbbing...I personally didnt like the feeling....


So Im wondering has this kind of thing happened to anyone else? ;)


Is it like the pavlovian dog idea and thats why my brain perceived pain to be there for all that time, or......... lol



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Robbie more likely they just don't know what the fuck is going on. Particularly with nerve/pain problems. One reason Doctors may be "passing you around" so to speak is that in the last few years the Government has really tightened up on the prescribing of addictive drugs. I know because there are some Doctors in my family. They come under closer scrutiny the more they prescribe and in general are more reluctant to prescribe them full stop. I know Doctors who, if the patient requires serious pain control to refer to a specialist or send to hospital, because they don't want another long term prescription on their profile. Also Doctors have been sued by patients becoming addcited to barbituates (sp?) so there is also that fear, which is only made worse by the recent insurance crisis in the medical profession.


Anyway cutting back on the opiates is a good thing. You've probably built up such an immunity they aren't helping you all that much anyway.

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All those points are right pipeman, it's a real drama getting a doctor to take a case like myself on to manage the opaites. But after every time I move, I get straight onto the local gov. proceedure for gaining permission, and subsequent registration on the addictive drugs register. Once you've done that, the doctors aren't fazed, because it's all been through the red tape, and rubber stamped. I've got permission in three states for open ended amounts of narcotics. Even in Qld. I can get unbelievable amounts given to me without any hasstle at all, but I can't touch grass, because it's dangerous; truely bizzare.


I don't know why the orthopedic dropped me so suddenly. I was reffered to him initially not to cure my back pain, but to investigate the loss of sensation on my left lef down the outside thigh and into the foot at times.


In the final report there was no mention of the leg, or anything to suggest he had even thought about it. It's like he had his own agenda, and when he failed where so many had gone before him, he got flustered. He thought initially it was going to be straight forward, but when he saw that the disc at one level is so bad it's squeezing down the spinal chord, he didn't know what to do.


There's no chance I'll get any surgery and maybe that's a good thing, the op has bad odds against me. But essentially it's such a high risk operation it's as you say; high risk to the doctors for law suits. Not that I would do that, I believe a person generally does the best they can, and it's not unusual for things to go wrong in life. Suing everyone each time something fouls up is no answer, frankly in medicine at least, it's caused more damage than good. People go untreated and left in bad situations, because the doctors are too afraid to move. Oh well, greed...


Feld of Light. ... sometimes when I smoke, it intensifies the pain. Sometimes when ya get bent, ya focus on a thing and become obseesed...right? Well i do anyway. Sometimes I focus on the pain, and I wish I hadn't lit up. but then it just takes a distraction and I'm right again. Thinking however that your foot prob. has no damage there anymore to cause pain, it might be psyco sematic (sp?). You know, ya brain associating the smoko with the bad experience previous? But hell, i really don't know lol.


I hope it stops for ya.




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Guest Field_of_Light

thanks RGS....yeh i kinda figured it was something along those lines...that was about 14 years ago.....and seems to be a recurring thing for me...injury plus smoke equals continued injury in my head.....Add to that about a year later i got badly beaten up by six wannabe bikers and kicked in the spine and bruised...so the foot thing and spine thing wasnt pleasanr...but in a comparable scheme of things its nothing....


On the genetic passability of what you have....did you inherit what you have off anyone or is it your two parents coming together with recessive genes for the problem which sparked it?


Hope a highly visioned doctor comes thru for ya man



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I can't say what is the underlieing reason for the disease, but I contracted it after ceasing a drug suddenly without consulting any doctors about it.


I was using a drug called meleril, to control my nerves, which had been stripped bare from another prescription drug called "dextamethasone". It's the strongest anti-inflamitory steroid drug on the market. Well, actually OFF the market these days, as they've banned it now. They can use it in life and death situations such as in car accidents, and a severe blow to the head may have caused radical brain swelling. In this case it's worth the risk.


Anyway, they had me on this wild stuff @ 16mgs a day, (a recommended normal dose is .5 mg a day) for several months. No one told me that it would cause me to loose my mind, and that's what it really did. I lost my personality, I didn't know what foods I liked, or even if I liked or dis-liked coffee. My wife had to look after me like a baby. She literally had to lead me by the hand, and sit me in a spot while she went into supermarkets to shop or whatever.


One day I just descided I wasn't going to use it anymore, and saw my GP about it. He wasn't authorised to stop it he said, because I was being treated by a neurologist. He told me if I stopped suddenly I would die. I had to wean off at .5 a mg each day, continually have blood tests to see if my renal gland would kick start. Apparently it shuts the renal gland down and substitutes it with a synthetic in the pill. If the renal gland doesn't start again, you have to stay on it forever.


Luckily it started no worries, but I was left a phsycological disaster. I was way over weight, and completely scewed up. The next thing they did was to prescibe a drug called meleril to ease the mental anguish. This is the drug that cause the Tardive Dyskonesia, although I understand it must have been latent to begin with.


I was using the meleril for a couple years, which they tell me is the amount of time it takes to recover from a course of dextamthasone. They didn't tell me this before I started the course, only after. One day I reckoned it was time to stop taking a whole lot of dumb pills I had been taking, and without consulting a doctor, and without tapering the pills off, I just stopped. The sudden stop from taking Meleril is what they say brought on the disease. Apparently it isn't that unusual, but again, they don't tell you this when you start the course.


I'm terribly sorry for the answer being long winded, but I always think that it's an interesting thing that they prescribe such dangerous drugs, that they have no idea how they work in a lot of cases. But when they talk about pot, they use the point that becuase they don't know how it works, or why; they don't want to use it.


As you might have figured, I've been on an awfull lot of pills over the years, and I've made it quiet a study since I've had a computer to see what they know about the drugs they have had me on. Unbelievably, they often admitt they don't know how or why their pills have a certain effect. They simply accept they have a certain outcome and use them.


I don't see why they can't accept the same with grass.


cheers all.


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As you might have figured, I've been on an awfull lot of pills over the years, and I've made it quiet a study since I've had a computer to see what they know about the drugs they have had me on. Unbelievably, they often admitt they don't know how or why their pills have a certain effect. They simply accept they have a certain outcome and use them.


I don't see why they can't accept the same with grass.


cheers all.


people can grow their own weed and pass genetics around to others for free but have to buy their pills. Does that answer your question?

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Guest Wilderbud

I suffer from constant back pain and find that I get most relief from smoking sleep weed which is bud that has been left in the light to change the THC to CBD or whatever. Keep some Panadeine handy - its good for back pain when random weed isnt helping.


Ive noticed that I like Indica-dominant strains more than Sativa-dominant by the description of the effects of both. Ive had a look at all the different strains in the strainbase and I think that Afghan sounds like a good narcotic strain [which is what you want] to cross with something tasty or yieldy.


Ill definately go for an Afghan and Haze when I purchase some quality seeds as they sounds like good strains to ease pain. I have 2 types of weed growing right now that are growing because I like them - theyre just bagweed seeds but the weed done the job [the one I named 'nutmeg' zones you out for 2 hours and tastes like a custard tart - If it has good yield Ive hit a jackpot and wont need any seedbank].


PS. You can look up medicinal strains at some seedbanks.

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Guest Wilderbud
Hmm, I just remembered readin that Hash plant is what you want in the strain as it has the most resin - more resin = more CBD [THC is for recreational users - CBD for medicinal users so forget about 'when to harvest' unless youre after the high and not the stone].
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Well i suffer from Scoliosis, in the upper portion of my back, also got degenerative calcification through 4 vertebrae in the upper lumber ( means 4 vertebrae have fused together ) all from doing hard labouring work over the past 20 yrs, anyway i find that Northern Light Strains give me the pain relief i seek, they are also easy to grow, small turn around time and decent yielders indoor...............
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