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Hey ppl..


I Suffer From Back Pain . 5 slipped disc's in lower back, That adds To Nerve Pain Down Both Legs .

oh.. & front half of left foot is kinda numb ,Feels like i'm walking on a golf ball.

I allso Have Both Shoulders that dislocate every now & then but thats another story..


Just Asking What Strains Would be good to remove the back pain? Thanks. :D

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I'd reckon go jump in a shallow creek and finish ya self off mate...that sounds like AGONY!!


ONLY KIDDING... I've reading that johnnyreeferseed likes to put about 1/2 gram of hash in a spoon with some olive oil and put it over some heat (probably until it mixes) and ingest it...


I don't know how many plants you'd need to sustain yourself that way for indoors though...probably a couple of 1000watt hps lights.. and some smaller ones/grow room to keep clones alive..


You'll also want to get some bubble bags for hashmaking from porchcreations under the sponsor section in this site...


You can also cook with mj...by dissolving the active ingredients in fats and oils...as mj active ingredients are not water soluable..


And some strains are more suitable to hash making than others...due to the tendancy of the plant to create lots of glands that break away from the plant easily.. be sure to ask around before getting some seeds or clones as it could make a big difference to the hash making process.

Edited by Mr Putard
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For all I know indica's's are better suitable for pain relief than sativa's, I remembered I posted some article on that subject a while ago in the medical cannabis section here on this site and you can view it if you follow this link :




It sounds as a major backproblem that you are suffering from KRINGLE1, I hope weed can help relieve your pain, but it sounds like you're going to need a lot of it for that kind of pain.

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As a sufferer of chronic back-pain, I only have access to the sativas which seem to work alright for me but we are all individual. Morphine on the other hand is poisonous in my opinion. I have been prescribed everything from Endone 5mg to MS Contin 250mg (These send you to the moon for a week or two, trust me on that one). I am uncertain IF the variety I grow are sativa-strain but I have been assured by close friends and relatives (shh) that I have them growing quite well. I will attach some pics when I can so some older, more experienced growers may identify accurately.
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Guest weekprik

I have sciolosis (spelt wrong?), this gives me extreame back pain,

I found that being stoned does help but you have to smoke alot and get very stoned,


I find that sativas are good for a giddy, energetic stone, and the indica is a good smoke to have before bed,


Im new to strains and all that but i have a G13 which is spose to be a potent indica, so ill let u know how it goes.


I tell u a trick I use though, Take 2 mersyndol night with a joint of indica and go straight to bed, within 1/2 an hour you are a sleep or forgotton about the pain,

OR take 2 sudafed 12 hour tablet and a joint of sativa and you will have a pain free day.


Let me know how it goes ok,



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I have to agree with weekprick 2 mersyndol and a cone 20 min to half an hour before bed and ya normaly get a fair sleep.

been doing this for years . broke my neck in two places and crushed 3 discs. ya never get rid of the pain just controll it when it lets ya. btw i have been using sativa

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Guest Urbanhog
I have to agree with weekprick 2 mersyndol and a cone 20 min to half an hour before bed and ya normaly get a fair sleep.

been doing this for years . broke my neck in two places and crushed 3 discs. ya never get rid of the pain just controll it when it lets ya. btw i have been using sativa

and with a glass of red wine :o but it makes me kinda drowsy in the morning when I wake up :huh:


Urbie :P

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I have 3 collapsed discs, some stenosis of course, trapping two nerve roots permanently. I have some complications, so a micro-sectomy is out of the question. Never even heard of 5 in a row before, unreal. 3 keeps me in more than enough pain, from my back and mainly down my left leg. Periodically my nerves pinch a bit more than usual, and down I go. I stay on the floor on my face until the nerve moves a bit and my legs can be moved again. I have no feeling left in my left upper thigh, except for a sevre nerve burn that hits me a few times each night, causing me to wake in horrible agony. I've been using morphine/oxycodone/dilaudid/Fentanyl for so many years now I'm sick to death of it. I use about 1200 mg of oxy at the moment, so be careful you keep as tight a rein on it as you can. But you'll creep up there eventually for sure with such damage as that(unless you're up there already), there's no way around it.


I think the indicas are best for my pain. In fact, I know they are. I like the NL#5, but the real deal is going to set you back a few bucks I believe. I had mine given to me, so I was really lucky. I don't have it any more, which isn't so lucky lol


Sativas will prob. do it for you just the same, I think. I know I said the Indicas are better for my pain, but I think that's just because I've taken a liking to the NL5. I've smoked sativas all my life, and only in the last few years have I discovered good Indicas, and so I'm on a new kick with them is all I think.


I reckon with pain, it's a matter of personal taste, whatever turns you on. With bad nerves (anxiety),I'm sure the indicas are a must, but for pain, what you really want is the distraction. I sincerely doubt there's ever going to be a strain of grass that will control the nerve pain you are experiencing. And in the narcotics, oxycodone is the recognised best for burning, or reffered pain, such as you have in your legs. (If you can get them, try Prolodone. It's 30mg IR oxycodone. Very effective, without being too over the top.)


I used to take a toke, and sit and try to figure how the smoke compared to the previous for pain control, then a few minutes later my wife would say something funny, I'd laugh, and I'm not thinking about the pain anymore. Then I'd wonder if the grass was controlling my pain, and I would feel the pain again. So it's a good distraction if you get my meaning, and if you like sativas, or you like indicas, just use what takes your mind as far away from the trouble as you can. The most appeasing to you the better is all. That's the way I see it for pain anyway.


On a side point, I don't know where you're living, and maybe it isn't even relevant to you. But with such severe damage in your back, you may one day be offered Fentanyl, if you haven't been already. To the best of my knowledge TAs. is the only state you'll get it on a consession, and in some states you won't get it unless you're terminal. Anyway, don't do it! Seriously, any kind of withdrawal you've had to anything in the past will look like a walk in the park. After having gone through it myself, and I wouldn't wish it on anyone in history, I truely believe it should be a terminal drug. Infact, when I started to use it, the pain doc. told me there was no coming off it once I started and I would need to be on it for the rest of my life. I developed an intolerance to the drug after 8 months and had to come off it, and it bloody near killed me.


I know that's way off topic, but I warn anyone in the same boat as people such as youself. Sorry if it sounded melo dramatic.


Good luck to you. Hang in there.




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hey rob it sickens me to hear about how much pain you're in. With a problem as severe as that you would think they could operate or do something to relieve it???? Goes to show you how fucking primitive medical science still is.


Hope things get better mate. Sometimes they do, I know its not the same thing but for a long time my grandfather had nerve problems in his back and arm that gave incredible pain, but now it seems to have gone away.

Edited by pipeman
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Thanks pipeman, I just went through an awfull lot of tests again recently with another surgeon. He promised me that I wouldn't be disapointed, and that he wouldn't stop until he had at least relieved the pain.


I went through so many tests it was insane, culminating in a full body scan for cancer.


After the full body scan, he called me into his office, and mysteriously cancelled all the forthcoming appointments, with hardly an explaination at all. He simply said there was nothing he could do for me and that I should just use the narcotics as the pain increases, and live my life like that.


I was dumbfounded, cause I had allowed my hopes to get so high after what he had originally said. My wife, and even my ageing parents called the guy because I had just given up and gone to bed. I wouldn't get up for anything. Just a sad case of feeling sorry for myself. Anyway, all these phone calls by different members of my family resulted in 4 different stories being told to us all by the same doc. The story he told me, and a different one for each other person that chased him up to ask what was wrong.


Now my wife is convinced he found something horrid and doesn't want to know about the drama. I hope she's wrong.


Anyway, it's all moptivated me to never bother with a doctor in that area again. I have seen so many bloody doctors on this point for so many years, and nothing has been done. I'm presently reducing the amount of narcotics I use, and will try to learn to live without them. It's bad enough being an invalid, but being so permanently wiped out infront of the son is doing him damage. He hasn't seen me not effected by opiates in his memory. It's not being stoned in front of him that's a prob. But talking to the walls and arguing with people over things that haven't been said really scares him. Added to that, the gear really does change ya character for the worse. I've become very lazy and self absorbed by it all. It's caused trouble between myself and my wife, and we really love each other. It just has such a horrible way of changing a person's overall attitude.


Things are going well so far, I'm slowly coming down in dosage, and am enjoying the way the world looks. I haven't seen it this way for a long time lol.


Thaks for the concern mate, truely does make a dif. when you have people that care.


take care


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