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I need some help. Dodgy situation ITT.

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Hey there ozstoners,


i've got 8 little babys growing outdoors but the problem is they are all on one container.


The container is about 30 by 15cm, and is quite shallow. The plants look nice, but don't seem to be growing much.

I know it is not good having them so close together, and the roots will interwind and interfere with each others growth, i just need to know how i can get them out safely and into their own individual pots.


Are they buggered? or is it possible to remove them from the tiny container.


And if so, will the plants shoot up very quickly, or will they stay small because of the damage that has already been done?




any advice would be appreciated, cheers.

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tip them out of the tub.. and gently pull them apart... try not to damage the main tap root.. or the main branch off's from that root.. there should be 4 or them..


then repot.. or transplant in the ground.. if you repot, then use a decent size pots.. 40-50liter... that way you wont have to repot again.. hopefully.. then give them a high nitrogen bases fert.. nitrosol should have something.. might pat to add something to stimulate root growth.. like cannazime .. or H2O2...


they will stunt a little becuase of the transplant , but a decent fert and plenty of water will see new root growth and they wont take long to start growing..

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