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water spikes

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hi all, am about to go with the family to see my folks interstate and am having to leave my garden...the ones in the ground i hope are going to be able to deal with my absence with lots of mulch and some shade for the xmas time sun, the indoor grow however is a bit of a worry, while i could prob ask a mate to come around and water for me while i'm gone it might lead to bad things and aggravation etc.

was in bunnings the other day getting some dead bolts and was looking at garden stuff when i saw these items called water spikes or something similar....it read that it will provide water for up to 3 weeks(which is how long i expect to be away), but was wondering if anybody here has had good or bad things to say about them.

it kinda looks like a gel in a little round bottle, with a spike that ticks into the ground near the roots.

also does anyone have any experience with water chrystals in the outside garden?

how long they will supply moisture in the hot sun?


cheers phin :D

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