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Migraines and insomnia



:D I suffer from bad migraines and headaches, MJ usually helps but its a fine line, If i smoke too much ie every day then I seem to get more headaches, I smoke mainly hydro and mainly to help with my headaches,

Also if I try to sleep with out having a smoke first then I can get to sleep and I wake alot, Im not a heavy smoker only 1 or 2 at night only, never during the day.


Any suggestions would be appreciated.



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Guest bacchus
nah bachus.  no need, as I said, when I stopped taking pain killers my headaches went away :)

oops sorry pipeman....you would think that i would a bit more observant by now..... :D


glad to hear that your headaches have stopped.... :)



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Yo whud up JRS! The worse known headache[ from what I've heard] is Cluster headache a.k.a. Suicide Headache. It's supposed to be very rare, affecting less than 1% of the "population", and I happen to be one of the "unlucky" few. had I not thrown a 38. I once owned, I would nor be here today. Caused me to turn to opiates after avoiding the pitfalls of drug use for over 30 years of living in the mean streets of the Bronx NY. ANYTHING, to that exruciating pain! Today, I suffer the consequense of it all, and the pain has not ceased, but thanks to those times that I am able to obtain quality genetic Ganja, I am able to control its frequency and intesity. The heavy Indica's work best for me, and I find mixing strains while medicating is not a good thing to do. 1 strain at a time, till it becomes jaded. Only other effective treatment is breathing in pure oxygen from an O2 tank.
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:wacko: The herb bacchus is referring to is called by the common name of "feverfew" and belongs to the... (pulls out FLORA)... asteraceae or daisy family. The binomial scientific name is Tanacetum parthenium, sometimes it may be labelled as Chrysanthemum parthenium, but most nurseries will list it under the new Tanacetum genus.


In fact, it's a moderately close relative of the pyrethrum plant, which we use in certain insecticides.


But instead of killing bugs, it kills migraines! Take a couple of leaves, (tastes rather bitter, but what's worse, a bite of bitter leaf or a migraine? no contest...) when you feel one coming on and it makes a spectacular difference.


Course, cos we're all individual, it may not work for everyone, but I found it most helpful, as have many others. You should be able to get feverfew at any good garden center in the herb sections. :D


Hope that helps. :P

Edited by Luke Skywalker
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