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The Cannabis Tribunal in the Hague

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3 December 2008 - Yesterday the Cannabis Tribunal in The Hague ended with the final conclusion that a ban on cannabis does have more disadvantages than advantages. Representatives of the Christian Democrat Party (CDA) did not succeed in convincing an independent judge of the opposite. On behalf of the organisers Joep Oomen, spokesperson, launched a call to the Members of the Dutch Parliament to request the Dutch government to abolish this ban as soon as possible.


An amount of 200.000 euro had been made available to the political party that would be able to convince an independent court of the positive effects of a ban on cannabis.


The organisers had had troubles in finding people in favour of the ban. Oomen: “There is no doctor in the Netherlands who is willing to maintain that cannabis is a public health danger and a ban has any positive effect at all.”


Of all political parties only the CDA was willing to accept the challenge. Both mayor Leonard Geluk of Rotterdam as well as Member of Parliament Cisca Joldersma proposed to further limit the number of coffeeshops.


Argumentation expert and law philosopher Hendrik Kaptein, chairman of the court that was created for this purpose, made firewood of the defense of the Christian Democrats. For an audience of scientists, former policemen, coffeeshop owners and cannabis activists he called their arguments ‘fallacies’ and ‘absolutely worthless’.


The court could not find any argument against the plea for legalisation of the cannabis market of Hans van Duijn, former president of the Dutch Police Association and a member of LEAP. According to Van Duijn, the CDA –due to the continuation of the ban on cannabis- is responsible for 50% of the criminality in the Netherlands, and every year, one and a half billion euro of tax money is wasted on a useless war on drugs. Both arguments were not contradicted by Joldersma.


Soon a dvd will be produced on the Tribunal, that could be followed live on Internet. The final declaration that was offered to the Members of the Dutch Parliament can be read on www.cannabistribunaal.nl.


The Cannabis Tribunal was organised by Cannabis College, the Stichting Drugsbeleid and Encod.

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The organisers had had troubles in finding people in favour of the ban. Oomen: “There is no doctor in the Netherlands who is willing to maintain that cannabis is a public health danger and a ban has any positive effect at all.”




Argumentation expert and law philosopher Hendrik Kaptein, chairman of the court that was created for this purpose, made firewood of the defense of the Christian Democrats. For an audience of scientists, former policemen, coffeeshop owners and cannabis activists he called their arguments ‘fallacies’ and ‘absolutely worthless’.


The court could not find any argument against the plea for legalisation of the cannabis market of Hans van Duijn, former president of the Dutch Police Association and a member of LEAP. According to Van Duijn, the CDA –due to the continuation of the ban on cannabis- is responsible for 50% of the criminality in the Netherlands, and every year, one and a half billion euro of tax money is wasted on a useless war on drugs. Both arguments were not contradicted by Joldersma.


Gotta love this :peace:

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