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Victorian Police Corruption, 168 police with criminal

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Author:Geoff Wilkinson

Date: December 02, 2008

Source: The Australian

Copyright: Copyright 2008 News Limited.


ONE hundred and sixty-eight serving members of Victoria Police have criminal convictions, it was revealed last night.


They have been convicted of offences including serious assaults, trafficking and possession of drugs, theft, perverting the course of justice and misconduct in public office.


Assistant Commissioner Luke Cornelius, head of the force's Ethical Standards Department, said last night the criminal offence figures confirmed the force was getting better at catching and convicting members who did the wrong thing.


"The community can take some comfort from the fact that we are getting better at catching our own and holding those who do the wrong thing accountable," he said.


He said 49 were guilty of theft and the other 103 included drug offences, administration of justice offences, offensive behaviour, soliciting for prostitution and being found in a common gaming house.



Top-secret files 'leaked to criminals'


TOP secret Victoria Police files have been leaked to high-raking criminals, compromising state and federal anti-drugs operations, Fairfax newspapers report.

The leaked information came from the Victoria Police surveillance squad, which is responsible for physical surveillance and technical services such as wire tapping, Fairfax said.


An alleged drug baron and outlaw motorcycle gang founder, an alleged killer and a suspected drug trafficker are among those who received their surveillance records from the unit, the report said.


The files would tip off criminals about the length of time they have been watched, and what of their movements and correspondence has been observed, compromising investigations or giving criminals warning about if and when they might be charged with offences.




How's it feel to be arrested for drug offences in Victoria when the filth who is arresting you is a convicted drug dealer ?

what sort of stuffed up justice do they call this ... also worth noting that Vic. Police Assoc. has a legal fighting fund of 17.5 million dollars(as of Nov. 2008) to protect and defend these rotten corrupt pigs!

and what example do they set for the public ?



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He said 49 were guilty of theft and the other 103 included drug offences, administration of justice offences, offensive behaviour, soliciting for prostitution and being found in a common gaming house.


Ok then, which of those refers to corruption...


..they kindly left out the biggest swill at the trough eh?? B)

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Victorian Pigs murder 15 year old child.


Funny how its always victorian cops isnt it.


Cops are the biggest criminals in Australia. They threatened to murder me 20 years ago and I was forced into going interstate. Quite an adventure. I could have turned into a professional criminal myself. God knows I met enough underworld figures who told me they had gone into crime because of similar experiences. They are trained in police academy to think in terms of 'us and them'. 'Them' being the general public. I'm glad it happened though. I was in fact planning to join the cops as a teenager. Seeing an entire police station turning a blind eye to me being beaten up all night completely altered my view of the world.


I remember doing a Traffic Controllers course. We had an ex-cop as an instructor. He told everyone in the class why he resigned the force. He and other officers arrested a group of juveniles clearly breaking the law. But his superiors told him to drop the case or resign. Apparently one of the little brats was the child of a politician. He chose to quit. So its not a case of a few rotten apples. The good apples are thrown out of rotten barrells.

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Assuming he had any knives. I've learned from experience to take anything the press and cops say with a pinch of salt. Cops lie all the time and the media do it as part of their job description. According to the media I'm anti-jewish, anti-muslim, a wealthy cybersquatter and own dozens of websites. I could go on for hours.


They chased him into a corner and then shot him. Four grown men couldn't disarm a scrawny kid? Give me a break. Victorian cops have always been trigger happy assholes. Did you see that loser cop they put on the news to defend the police action? They found the scrawniest most pathetically unintimidating individual available. He had this scruffy orange ferret under his nose which was supposed to be a goatee I think.


There is probably a lot more to the story than the cops are telling.


Incidentally, I heard that the next series of East West 101 is coming in 2009.




Worth every cent of the $6.95 I paid for it.



Thailand has come to a standstill with anarchists ruling the country because of a 15 year old being shot. Don't think the victorian cops aren't aware of how much they are hated by the victorian public. They are going to downplay this event as if their lives depend upon it. Because their lives do depend upon it. Two australian police stations have been fire bombed in the past few days. This child murder at a time of great financial hardship is the perfect recipe for a war on police. There are plenty of people itching for payback over their own grievances and the chance to kill a few cops would appear to them as a godsend. Personally I won't be crying any tears for any dead cops. Any time I hear about a cop killing I feel like throwing a party. All I'm concerned about is innocent civilians being caught in the middle and the inevitable damage to infrastructure which will ensue.

Edited by Wayne Smith
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Dude....settle grettle :D.......u know as much as i do so dont crap on like ur on the "inside"...yes its tradgic yes there should be other options......but dobnt pretend that the kid was all fuckin innocent....wonder how u feel if maybe he did stab someone innocent maybe a son or daughter of urs and we not be havin his conversation.......we will be all tellin cops to get there fuckin job done.


I dont like em at all but really all i said was thats NOT corruption

./...and i know where im puttin u

oh and sayin u feel like thoughin a party whens cops die is fucked man...theres fucked one and good ones just with normal civilians as u call em....and i know where im puttin u

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I suppose I do sound angry but believe me I'm not. Text can be misleading as it has no tone. I'm just being factual. When you have been made helpless and kicked unconscious by the 'protectors of society' its kind of hard to find anything positive to say about them. It is rather fucked that I feel the way I do about cops but its the cops who made me that way.


The same year it happened I was trying to join the police. My cousin was going to join too. She passed all the tests but after learning of my experience told them to go and get fucked.


A reporter for the Australian newspaper recently wrote that whenever he heard about Texas getting hit by Hurricanes his instant reaction was "Serves you right". Eight years of Bush can do that to a person. Its the same with me. Unwarranted Police Bashings have that effect on people.

Edited by Wayne Smith
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