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OPP approached to charge ministers under Commonwealth Crimes Act

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As you see our government is answerable to no one, confirming we now live under a dictatorship and democracy has been taken away from us.


Dear Madam,




Thank you for your email dated 2 December 2008.




The Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions (CDPP) is an office established by the Director of Public Prosecutions Act 1983, being an Act of the Parliament of Australia. The powers and functions of the CDPP are prescribed by that Act. The primary function of the CDPP is to prosecute persons charged with offences against the laws of the Commonwealth.

My response from the CDPP, so now we have a Government who is answerable to no one, this confirms that we are living in a dictatorship and democracy is dead and gone.


The CDPP is not an investigative agency. Matters to be prosecuted are referred to the CDPP by the Australian Federal Police and other government investigative agencies. Consequently, the CDPP is not able to assist you with your complaint.




Yours faithfully,


CDPP Inquiries.

Edited by littlbit
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The problem they have is I will not stop, federal ombudsman is next on the list. I also keep sending copies to Nicola Roxon just to keep her worried. I am far too pig headed to let a little thing like these responses stop me and I know that we are right at law. Perhaps a copy to the High Court too.
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Response from the AFP


Thank you for your email below. While these matters fall outside the jurisdiction of the Australian Federal Police we have taken note of the information.

We therefore suggest you seek legal advice on how to deal with this matter.







Now, as a citizen trying to defend yourself, that response is of little comfort.

Is that supposed to put the wind up you? That they have "taken note" of the information.

My typically cynical and weary comment would be, "why am I not surprised?"

The term 'within the spirit of the law' is going to raise it's ugly head, as I feel this is probably about the only argument they can mount when it is spelled out in black and white as to what the politicians obligations are. There will be some way for them to weasle out of this and smear you with mud, or another visit from the cops maybe, so just be wary.

Bring on the High Court B) Best of luck :ph34r:

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bufo marinus mate I felt the same way, and have asked them to explain themselves and to tell me who it is who investigates federal breaches of law, I am of course still waiting for that answer. I am not concerned with them walking up to my door again as next time we will simply evoke the Geneva Convention, then they have no choice but to take us to the High Court. I have also not heard back from the GG and given the responses I have had so far it tells me that we are simply right at law again.


Tomorrow I am going to send the OPP a copy of what he said earlier this year and last year in parliament regarding the fact that they know that they are in breach and need to stop doing what they continue to do Ignore The Treaty.


Of course I can go to the Prince of Whales and ask him to appeal to the Queen on my behalf, as he recommends cannabis to people and grows the plants in his own garden, I figure it is worth a try. Also I hold duel citizenship GB and Aust.


I will not give up until Nicola Roxon is gone one way or the other. After she told me to put up with the pain and I would simply have to suffer through. That bitch will not get away with treating any citizen that way ever again.

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I have also not heard back from the GG and given the responses I have had so far it tells me that we are simply right at law again.


Tomorrow I am going to send the OPP a copy of what he said earlier this year and last year in parliament regarding the fact that they know that they are in breach and need to stop doing what they continue to do Ignore The Treaty.


Oooh what's the nugget littlbit?

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Hi Niall I sent you an email this morning call us.


Also anyone was there any confusion regarding who I asked to be investigated in the email I sent to the GG and AFP? It appears that our great and powerful AFP do not understand. Here is the email I just received this morning.



Since the state police arrested you in regards to this offence you will need to contact them.

They should serve you a summons and take you to court so you can defend yourself.



I have sent them a return email asking them to read what I wrote and making it clear that it is Nicola Roxon who needs to be investigated. No bloody wonder this country is such a target for idiots who want to blow everything up, we have idiots who are supposed to be securing this country and they cannot read english. God help us cause if we are depending on our Police services we are in deep shit. B) :ph34r: B)

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Todays email to Nicola Roxon and the Attorney General, we await with baited breath for their response. B) B)


If Government does not have to obey treaties, why then do the people?

If Government ministers do not have to obey Federal Law, why do the people?



The law Nicola Roxon has broken and ignored.


Narcotic Drugs Act 1967

Part I—Preliminary

6 Ministers etc. to have regard to Convention


The Minister for Health, the Minister for Industry, Technology and Commerce, the Secretary or the CEO shall, in exercising any power or performing any function conferred on him by this Act, have regard to the obligations of the Commonwealth under the Convention and to no other matter.



The Treaty the Government refuses to adhere to and Nicola Roxon has repeatedly lied about to parliament and the people.



The Parties,

Concerned with the health and welfare of mankind,

Recognising that the medical use of narcotic drugs continues to be indispensable for the relief of pain and suffering and that adequate provision must be made to ensure the availability of narcotic drugs for such purposes,

Recognising that addiction to narcotic drugs constitutes a serious evil for the individual and is fraught with social and economic danger to mankind,

Conscious of their duty to prevent and combat this evil,

Considering that effective measures against abuse of narcotic drugs require co-ordinated and universal action,

Understanding that such universal action calls for international co-operation guided by the same principles and aimed at common objectives,

Acknowledging the competence of the United Nations in the field of narcotics control and desirous that the international organs concerned should be within the framework of that Organisation,

Desiring to conclude a generally acceptable international convention replacing existing treaties on narcotic drugs, limiting such drugs to medical and scientific use, and providing for continuous international co-operation and control for the achievement of such aims and objectives,


Either we all have to obey the treaty or none of us have to. If government can ignore the obligations under the treaty, so then can the people.


Either Nicola Roxon is arrested and stood down and these illegitimate laws removed or this will go much further than it has so far. You must know by now that I could well name every member of Government both sides of the houses who have knowingly lied to the parliament and have knowingly breached the obligations under the treaty.


You must also know by now that what I send to all of you and the responses or lack thereof are on as many web sites as I can get them on. I will not be silenced by dictators and that is what you are.


Serve the people of Australia as you swore to do, stop dictating your religious beliefs that is not what you were elected to do. Fulfil your obligations or remove the treaty altogether and put all drugs under the one umbrella and let the medical profession look after medical issues not the police.


Do not be tempted to try to arrest us again until we get before the high court because we will cause a constitutional and international crisis like you would not believe. This is not a threat this my friends is a promise. So far we have been gentle, as diagnosed Aspergers (if you do not know what this is or what we are like contact Tony Attwood) who have had nearly two years to get our heads around these laws, and having read all the hansards on the subject, comments from High Court Justices amongst others we do know and understand more than you can.


Kindest Regards



You should know this of by heart by now, perhaps this time you will respond. Don't worry I will not be holding my breath waiting, I wont be sitting still either, you can count on that.

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Gnobong hows that? The other option is simply too dangerous :peace:


Should anyone wish to support us in this fight, please PM

lightning - niall - littlbit

We do not wish to put up the details here as it is getting a little hot for all concerned


Thats almost perfect but can I suggest a small change similar to below for those who are new to whats going on with your legal fight. Nice Quotes in your Sig too.


Should anyone wish to help support us during our Legal fight for Medical Marijuana and Sensible Drug Laws,

please PM lightning - niall - littlbit.


We do not wish to put up the details here as it is getting a little hot for all concerned

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