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OPP approached to charge ministers under Commonwealth Crimes Act

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Gnobong thanks you reminded me about Crikey.com and I had forgotten about getup.org of which I am a member. I have now rectified both situations, as for the TV media I have sent them the information I doubt however they will even bother to call back.


We will see what happens over night as of course as I said before tomorrow I go to the AFP and the Australian GG and of course the state level too.


The silence is really deafening, not an email, no phone calls all silent.

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We have an account for anyone willing to assist already in place torture, that was started some months ago. Should anyone wish to donate PM and we will send the information to you.


PM niall - lightning or myself to get this information although it has been put on this site before, but you know how things go they get lost somewhere in the midst of everything else.


Thanks for caring anyway as said before we have now been at this for almost 2 years simply trying to get to the high court.

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Narcotic Drugs Act 1967

Part I—Preliminary

6 Ministers etc. to have regard to Convention


The Minister for Health, the Minister for Industry, Technology and

Commerce, the Secretary or the CEO shall, in exercising any

power or performing any function conferred on him by this Act,

have regard to the obligations of the Commonwealth under the

Convention and to no other matter


The Minister may argue that the only powers or functions conferred on her by this Act are in respect of licencing manufacturers of drugs.

IMO that's what this act is about. There are no provisions for the licencing of individuals and the caselaw appears to support that view unfortunately.

I may be wrong but have had to look into this recently for another matter.

Take care

grace B)


Narcotics Drug Act (Cth) 1967


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Today I have emailed the Governor General asking her to step into this issue. Again we will have to wait to see what the outcome will be.


Your Excellency,

We require your assistance to deal with a matter of Government Ministers who are breaking Australian Law and having had this pointed out at every level so far they simply are refusing to do anything about it.


Let me try to explain a little of the background to this situation and also ask that you please look at the attached email sent to the OPP, yesterday.


Some years ago I had damaged my back so badly that I had to have pethidine injections beside my spine for many days, three times every day. Both my doctor and myself were becoming very concerned about addiction and the fact that it was giving almost no relief for the last 3 days he had seen me. He although being very aware of the dangers considered morphine as the next step, something I was not really willing to consider. On that last night when he left I was still in severe pain, my husband told me about his experience with cannabis that he used for pain amongst other ailments he suffers from. After some discussion and at the age of 42 I tried this for the first time, the relief was so welcoming, I slept for the first time in days and was so much better the next day my doctor decided to see how long it would give me relief.


Now I do not want to bore you with a long drawn out story about the fact that I have other medical issues, mostly caused by the medical profession and their bad diagnosis, and for years medication that has now done permanent damage. They can no longer prescribe any medication for me because of damage done. We have now also both been diagnosed with Asperger Syndrome a form of Autism, this has its own problems, and I am now allergic to all pain medications and also have severe damage to my back that has caused me to have osteoarthritis in my spine, neck and hips, as does my husband.


Now we come to the current issue, my husband and I were charged with cultivate, possess, use cannabis for medical purpose (this is clear in the police report after our arrest) 22 months ago, we are yet to have a chance to defend ourselves in a court of law. In the meantime we have had to put together everything ourselves as we cannot find anyone who would help us.


We have tried to do everything within the spirit of the Single Treaty on Narcotics and have attempted for years to get the government to live up to its obligations under the treaty to no avail. As the single treaty clearly states to governments that Cannabis must be made available for medical and scientific purpose. We decided to grow for personal use as we do our vegetables and never hiding it as we grew it with our vegetables in full view.


As I stated before we have had to do all our own brief and research into the law and the governing laws ie; treaties, in doing so apart from the fact that the treaty makes it very clear that it is simply to prevent trafficking, possession of large amounts that could be seen as for trafficking and abuse of the plant, it was clear to us from the beginning that the Government is in breach of the treaty. We have also discovered that the Minister for Health and ageing has been knowingly breaking Australian Law in not doing her duty to fulfil the treaty in full. As have all health minister before her and every prime minister who with complete knowledge allowed this to continue, in fact have insisted on continuing the Declaration to the War on Drugs and have stated that all drug users are evil as are all drugs.


Here you see that Law that is being broken by Nicola Roxon and Kevin Rudd.


Narcotic Drugs Act 1967

Part I—Preliminary

6 Ministers etc. to have regard to Convention


The Minister for Health, the Minister for Industry, Technology and Commerce, the Secretary or the CEO shall, in exercising any power or performing any function conferred on him by this Act, have regard to the obligations of the Commonwealth under the Convention and to no other matter.


The single treaty is very clear in what it expects of governments in fulfilling their obligations seen in the preamble,


The Parties,

Concerned with the health and welfare of mankind,

Recognising that the medical use of narcotic drugs continues to be indispensable for the relief of pain and suffering and that adequate provision must be made to ensure the availability of narcotic drugs for such purposes,

Recognising that addiction to narcotic drugs constitutes a serious evil for the individual and is fraught with social and economic danger to mankind,

Conscious of their duty to prevent and combat this evil,

Considering that effective measures against abuse of narcotic drugs require co-ordinated and universal action,

Understanding that such universal action calls for international co-operation guided by the same principles and aimed at common objectives,

Acknowledging the competence of the United Nations in the field of narcotics control and desirous that the international organs concerned should be within the framework of that Organisation,

Desiring to conclude a generally acceptable international convention replacing existing treaties on narcotic drugs, limiting such drugs to medical and scientific use, and providing for continuous international co-operation and control for the achievement of such aims and objectives,


I have brought this to the attention of the Government, including Nicola Roxon Minister for Health and Ageing, also the Attorney General and the Prime Minister, they refuse to acknowledge anything I have said, Nicola Roxon has made it very clear that I simply have to suffer with my pain as she will never allow medical cannabis even after being shown that now the World Cancer Research has proved that they can cure most cancers including ovarian, colon, breast cancers and all tumours amongst other ailments. The Australian Government has patents for medical cannabis, as does the USA government there are now thousands of medical patents owned by pharmaceutical companies and in fact there is a bit of a fight between two of the top pharmaceutical companies on who patented the delivery system first. So as you can see and I can prove that medical cannabis is extremely beneficial for medicine and yet with all of the proof I have sent her Nicola Roxon still ignores and refuses to allow medical cannabis in this country.


She continues to lie to the parliament regarding the medical nature of cannabis by making her claims that it is evil and deadly, that it has no medical benefit and causes mental illness for anyone who uses it.


So Your Excellency, because the government is breaking Australian law in not, having regard to the obligations of the Commonwealth under the Convention and to no other matter, and the fact that the only outcome of these laws is to punish many people who use for medical purpose, the fact that the Treaty itself is in breach of our constitution in three areas. The Government is also aware of the breaches of Human Rights in declaring war on the people, taking up arms against the people, refusing their medicine, arresting and in many cases imprisoning sick civilians in this theatre of armed conflict. We implore you to have the Australian federal Minister for Health and Ageing Nicola Roxon brought to justice, having her charged and ensure she is made step down from her position. She has broken Australian Law, Broken the Treaty in ignoring the preamble dictates, has breached parliamentary rules in having lied to parliament on the medical benefits of cannabis and about the dangers that have been proved beyond doubt to be completely false. She is continuing to pour millions into the propaganda war on a plant, and demands the citizens of this country continue to suffer because of her religious beliefs.


Your Excellency, we ask that you please attend to this issue today and please reply to this email to let me know what you intend to do about this information.


We as citizens who have no choice in the medicine we can take, beg you as our representative to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II to force government to abide by the very treaties they have without consultation with the people forced on us and yet they themselves will not honour.


Sincerely and with the greatest respect

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