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OPP approached to charge ministers under Commonwealth Crimes Act

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Dear Sirs,

As you can clearly see we have governments and their ministers breaking Australian law with complete knowledge they are doing so. Here under ;

Narcotic Drugs Act 1967

Part I—Preliminary

6 Ministers etc. to have regard to Convention


The Minister for Health, the Minister for Industry, Technology and

Commerce, the Secretary or the CEO shall, in exercising any

power or performing any function conferred on him by this Act,

have regard to the obligations of the Commonwealth under the

Convention and to no other matter



The Parties,

Concerned with the health and welfare of mankind,

Recognizing that the medical use of narcotic drugs continues to be indispensable for the relief of

pain and suffering and that adequate provision must be made to ensure the availability of narcotic drugs

for such purposes,

Recognizing that addiction to narcotic drugs constitutes a serious evil for the individual and is

fraught with social and economic danger to mankind,

Conscious of their duty to prevent and combat this evil,

Considering that effective measures against abuse of narcotic drugs require co-ordinated and

universal action,

Understanding that such universal action calls for international co-operation guided by the same

principles and aimed at common objectives,

Acknowledging the competence of the United Nations in the field of narcotics control and desirous

that the international organs concerned should be within the framework of that Organization,

Desiring to conclude a generally acceptable international convention replacing existing treaties on

narcotic drugs, limiting such drugs to medical and scientific use, and providing for continuous

international co-operation and control for the achievement of such aims and objectives,


Clearly they are in breach of the above obligations State and Federal Governments ignore these laws.


They have chosen with malice to keep from the citizens of this country the right to medicine in the form of Cannabis for pain and given they also know that this medicine has now been proved to be a cure for many cancers they now allow people to suffer and die for the rights of the Religious groups who are demanding their religious views be put above the rest. Therefore imposing a religion in law.


Therefore we ask the the Office of the Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions take action immediately on this issue, also taking into fact that these ministers have lied to parliament on every occasion to stop any chance that the people might be allowed Medical Cannabis to relieve their pain or save their lives.


We have tried on numerous occasions to get the ministers to amend these breaches in law and they have outright refused, they continue to lie to the public regarding the Medical efficacy and yet have permitted pharmaceutical companies and the CSIRO to patent cannabis as medicine as has the USA government showing clearly that Medical Cannabis is fact. The Governments have continued to wage war against the people they have in fact raised up arms against sick civilians in this theatre of war, having them arrested and their lives destroyed because of the Governments own religious beliefs and nothing else.


These laws are illegitimate, discriminatory, disproportionate bad laws and they need to be struck off. They are in breach of our Australian Constitution, The Single Treaty on Narcotics and Human Rights.


We ask that arrest warrants be made out against state health ministers, premiers, chief ministers and the Prime Minister all of whom have clearly broken Australian Law which your office is there to prosecute.


The following information was sent to the Victorian and Federal Health Ministers and both Attorneys General, they have all ignored the information and refuse to uphold Australian Law.


You will also notice that in Victoria we have now been clearly told we no longer have common law in place in our courts this has been replaced by the Dictates of the Parliament, according to Judge Gaynor, County Court Melbourne.


I also ask with the greatest of respect that you reply by email as I am an environmentalist who hates the destruction of trees to justify paper for printing.


Again with respect and the belief in Justice, I thank you.

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It will be interesting to see what they have to say to this (if the email is replied to). It is seriously time to push this issue in this country. There are too many people living in fear just because they grow their own medicine. For me personally, cannabis has replaced all my of the pharma drugs that I was taking. Things need a good shake up in this country.


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*SNAP! finally, some common sense. is there a way to grant funding or financial backing or support for this? remember were dealing with millionaires that have used legislation and the legal system to become so, and can access alot of disposable resources. this could be tied up for years and years and years, if its found to have legal merit (which would only be detirmined by interpretitation, not fact). i dont know what i can do to help? but i feel compeled to.

Lets all get behind littlbit, as our own, eric brockovich- which sounds a bit retarded red out loud, but you know what i mean B)

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lizardtub thank you for your support. For 12 months now I have shown Nicola Roxon what the laws are and her obligations under those laws, I have sent her all the medical research information and of course the patents. When she was told about my medical situation she told me I simply had to suffer and put up with the laws.


The email I sent to the DPP included all the laws and a copy of my email to the Attorneys General state and federal. I have chosen to no longer sit back and allow them to continue to break Australian and International laws without them having to answer for it, nor will I sit back and allow them to call us criminals for using our own medicine that we have a God given right to use.


This has cost us much, but we are only 2 people who have lost out to these illicit laws it is past time to end this war.

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For 12 months now I have shown Nicola Roxon what the laws are and her obligations under those laws, I have sent her all the medical research information and of course the patents. When she was told about my medical situation she told me I simply had to suffer and put up with the laws.

To me, this is the crux of the matter, they just don't care . . . whatever happened to 'do unto others', where did 'a fair go' go? I would dearly LOVE to be able to make the likes of all these pollies live one of our lives for just ONE day and see how well they cope . . . man's inhumanity to man looks at times to be an insurmountable problem BUT with those like yourself Littlbit and Lightning B) heading the charge, all we need are MORE voices stating the exact same things to the exact same people to at the very least brow beat them into some form of reasonable response and some bloody action! It's waaaaaaaaay past time . . .

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Dragonfan people are to frightened to do the things I am doing, I however have lost everything already and have nothing left to lose. I see no point in letting this go one day more than it has without doing all I can at least to end it.


I have tried to get the media involved to no avail so far, however I have not sent them a copy of the DPP email as yet, that will happen tomorrow should we have silence for yet another day.


Too many of are suffering needlessly because of these illicit laws.

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".....mans inhumanity to man....." equilibrium 2002. worth a watch if you believe in placing total and absolute trust in a governing body that believes -peoples abilities to feel one way or another, about anything- is not a right, but a priveldge. the theme of the movie, to those that have seen it; kinda rings true to the anti-depressants and anti-psychotics and such that they would quite happily and legally dose the world with. im not going to pretend this world is what i wanted it to be, for me and my children. its a shagged out prostitute with hepatisis! TOTALLY WORTHLESS!
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