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Ozi tonic

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I have an old bottle of Ozi-tonic in a box and im not really sure if its that good.


Im hoping some people have tried it.

What do you think of it?


Do you think its usable alongside or after pk 13/14?


I was told its good for final stages of flowering but not sure why.


Im thinking use pk 13/14 for weeks 3-5 of flowering and ozitonic for last few weeks into flush.


Is ozi tonic meant to effect flavour size of buds or what.


Also it has gibberillic acid in it which i thought causes hermies.

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Hi drifter,


I have an old bottle of Ozi-tonic in a box and im not really sure if its that good


Never heard of it I am afraid. One hint is that old nutrients is a bad mistake to use as there is a "shelf life" upon which it will expire.


Secondly, you possibly have not kept the nutes in a suitable storage conditions or don't know where they were kept.


PK 13/14 provide sufficient potassium without attempting to increase buddage (yielad) using more 'additives' which may lead to unwanted complications late in you grow.





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