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Seed Shops Online - BANNED

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I agree with you Budman that Conroy is a total arrogant dickhead. I've sent him several carefully worded letters of protest and the replies from his office (when they've bothered) are stuck on the ridiculous argument about kiddy fiddling, nevermind that I wrote about the dangers of secret lists, innocent sites getting caught up and censored, threats to freedom of speech and the downright unpopularity of the whole debacle. The man is a god-botherer with a closed mind. I like your suggestion of going higher - but that only leaves Rudd to write to.

Sadly the liberals have been quiet on this matter which shows just how stupid they are too - the first party to kill this internet censorship mess would automatically win over heaps and heaps of voters.

As the federal election campaigns start in earnest its going to be important for folk - yes that includes all of you folk on this website - to ring local candidates and bite their ears off about this, cos if we don't protest then we deserve whatever we get.

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i doubt this will ever pass, if it did, i think riots would overcome the government,


only because as its been stated, this is our ONLY FREEDOM (that we need to pay for to access.....) that we have left...


what happens on the net is all up to the end user (you decide what YOU look at)!

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perehaps senator conroy should take a trip to the grassy noel...censorship would only prevent us from knowing who shot him, we`d still be able to watch it on youtube though....:D


They would only find another dickhead to take his place. It's the polling booths were we should tell em to fuck off. :sick

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Oh man ... and it just gets more ridiculous ...

Conroy Appointed to UN Braodband Taskforce

  • Mitchell Bingemann
  • From: Australian IT
  • May 11, 2010 2:05PM

COMMUNICATIONS Minister Stephen Conroy has been appointed to a United Nations taskforce aimed at speeding the roll-out of high-speed broadband networks around the world.


The International Telecommunications Union's Broadband Commission for Digital Development was launched this week – as foreshadowed by The Australian in February – with the aim of encouraging agencies and governments around the world to come up with new ways high-speed broadband networks can be used to improve social services.


The commission, which includes 30 companies and organisations, will be co-chaired by the world's richest man, Mexican telecom-magnate Carlos Slim Hélu, and Rwanda President Paul Kagame. It will report directly to the UN secretary-general Ban Ki-moon at the UN MDG Summit in New York in September.


Under its terms of reference, the Commission will deliver its findings in two reports. The first report will be based directly on input from the Commissioners.


The second report will be an in-depth research paper that will examine the social and economic benefits of broadband rollout, evaluate different deployment and financing models, and look at the different technologies that can be employed to bring maximum speeds and network reach at affordable prices.


"I look forward to sharing Australia's experiences in developing our national broadband network as well as contributing to the work of the Commission," Senator Conroy said.


"The digital economy presents social and economic opportunities that have never before been possible and making the most of these opportunities will be crucial for nations around the world.


"The NBN will lift Australia to the top of world-rankings when it comes to broadband access and I'm pleased to see the ITU has recognised our important work."


The Commission includes members from around the world representing not just the technology sector, but also leaders from across a wide range of business and social sectors, including Ericsson chief executive Hans Erik Vestberg and the US Federal Communications Commission chairman Julius Genachowski.

Source : http://www.theaustralian.com.au/australian...dband-taskforce/story-e6frgakx-1225865047079


After most of the world was against his ludicrous Censorship proposal ... Conroy has some how been appointed a role in a UN taskforce commission :toke: what a fuckin joke! :sick

Notice how they don't mention much specific but for proposing "Improved 'social' Networking" ... ffs , that could relate to the whole internet 'regulation' and Censorship!!! debacle. lol


Down With Censorship! ... and Cheerz to Freedom! lol


Budman :D

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