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Seed Shops Online - BANNED

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It's a pretty safe bet that any drug related site

will end up being on the manditoraly banned IP list,

including OnLine Seed Shops, OZ Stoners, ETC.


They would then probably ban & block encrypted

anonymity servers to prevent alternative access

to the banned drug related sites.


Say goodbye to most imported cannabis genetics &

say hello to much poorer quality pot in Australia...


We Need To Act NOW to Stop This: URL=http://www.getup.org.au/campaign/SaveTheNet/442

Once it's in & Done, we'll NEVER get rid of it.





If you don't want your eMails Scanned & Canned,

If you don't want Seed Shops Blocked & Banned,

> Then Sign This Petition & ask everyone else to do so: > URL=http://www.getup.org.au/campaign/SaveTheNet/442

Edited by Major Overgrow
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We need internet police, not internet censorship.


this is just another form of prohibition.


Internet has evolved today, some people believe it's great, sure it has it's upsides, you can access information readily and easily, the problem is the internet is also a bullies best friend for attacking people, with slander.


This issue completely slipped me by, oh well it's 2010 nothing has changed as far as i can tell, but that doesn't mean we should grow lax.


I sometimes think we should overthrow the federal goverment, make our states independant and do our own thing.

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This is from a Financial Newsletter I get from Money Morning.


With the mainstream press only writing the stuff they think you want to hear, it's never been more important to emphasise your freedom to information.


The papers just do warm and fuzzy stuff. Which, judging by the number of emails we receive each day, isn't good enough for most of our readers.


The emails could be opinions, or news link we might have missed, or the exposing market manipulation Kris mentioned on Wednesday.


But right now, the government is trying to push forward an internet censorship plan. It will force all Australian internet service providers (ISPs) to implement a filtering system to control what web pages Australians are able to see.


Who will control what you can see? Of course, ultimately it will be the Australian government, via a government appointed panel.


Already there's about 1,000 uniform resource locator's (URLs), or what we normally call a web address, on the list. However it's no exaggeration to say this could potentially rise to become 10,000, 20,000, 50,000, or even 100,000 web sites.


Once the censorship starts it won't stop. The censors will be haunted by the fear of not wanting to let anything through in case it exposes their filter as being a failure.


But if you thought that was bad enough, wait until you hear this...


What's on the list is a secret.


The laws that the government are trying to push through will prevent you from knowing exactly what's being 'prohibited'. In fact only a 'guide' to what's on the list can be found on this website.


And it is really is a guide. This is all the information that has been provided to the public as of today:


* 41% of websites have a rating of X18+

* 5% of websites are rated as R18+

* 54% are considered Restricted Content (RC)


Of these 54% of RC sites, 18% have been given a classification of 'RC - Child Depiction', and 36% have been labelled the extremely vague 'RC - other reasons'.


Er, that's it.


Now some of the material that falls into the 'other reasons' category has been euthanasia websites, controversial movies and computer games designed for people over the age of 16.


Even a university student's essay 'The Art of Shoplifting' has been placed on the banned list. For fear of teaching shoplifting we assume. And a website that shows graffiti from around the world was added to the list because it 'provided elements of promotion of the crime of graffiti'.


Perhaps the next step will be to ban pictures of empty chocolate wrappers in case it promotes public littering! Do you see what I mean about how there are no limits to this?


Senator Conroy, the man supposedly in charge of the filtering system and what's on the backlist automatically cries "But what about the children?" when someone opposes this filtering system.


You see, the sad thing is anyone that speaks out against the filtering system is being labelled as someone who supports child pornography. If you don't like filtering then you must be in support of the 'kiddie fiddlers'!


That's obviously a stupid argument, but it's the main argument being used by the pro-filtering lobby.


It makes the presumption that you're going to do something wrong, and then taking your choice away from you. The government doesn't trust you to do the right thing, so they're trying to stop in you in advance.


The real issue here is that your choice and freedom is being removed from you. It may seem to some people that it's a trivial point, but it's not. It's another step towards government controlling the lives of individuals more than they already do.


You're already told what to watch on TV. You're already told what suitable radio content is. In some states you're not allowed to smoke in your own car, soon enough they'll extend that law to private homes.


Really, the internet is the only true form of independent information. Almost anyone can set up a website or a blog for just a few dollars a month. And instantly anyone from anywhere on the planet can read what you've written.


Try setting up your own newspaper for the same cost and coverage.


But even if you're a reader rather than a content provider, at the moment there's nothing to stop you getting on your PC and looking up how to fix your car, or how to smuggle people through Europe.


The difference is you have a choice.


Simply put, why should a government appointed panel have any right to tell you what you can and can't access on the internet?


Look, it would be easy to sit and make comparisons with China and their censorship laws. So we will. Think of it this way, many Chinese only recently saw the Tiananmen Square Protest picture when Google dropped its filtering system in protest against China's rigid legalisation.


This event occurred over 20 years ago and millions of Chinese had never seen the picture. And millions more probably don't even know the Tiananmen Square massacre even happened.


Whatever the politicians say, internet censorship in Australia isn't about protecting children, it's about giving power-hungry bureaucrats a bigger ego and giving them the power to decide what you can and can't do.


Shae Smith

Assistant Editor

Money Morning

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is Buying seeds illegal in WA? or importing them im illegal?

Um , Yep cbrrider ... Both are Illegal in all states of Australia ;)



Thanks for the post Brick ,

This is one of the most ridiculous and serious current issues , at the same time.

It cannot be allowed to happen as it then sets a precedent for more and more government control telling us what to do and how to think. Say No to the Nanny States. :o

Not only is the idea preposterous and fundamentally WILL NOT WORK for any positive means ... the opposition to this ludicrous idea is Immense , Titanic ... almost Ultimate! Both in OZ and Internationally.

Like alot of people , I have read many articles about this subject and many hundreds of comments ... and for every 1 comment that is FOR cencorship (probably Conroy himself most of the time :)) there are at least 1000 people AGAINST this idiotic idea.

Internet Giants like Google and Yahoo have even totally slammed the idea ... But will Conroy listen?

Nope ... and continues to suggest that everyone opposing his faschist idea is some kind of kiddy-porn advocate ... this has enraged people as much as the intial moronic idea and for good reason. The nerve. ;)


This idiot is being put in his place ... yet seems incable of admitting defeat , If this issue were more 'on the table' atm and as others have said ... if Liberals were outspokenly against it , this single issue could sway the next election ... especially with the savvy and younger voters ;)

I haven't even heard the K Rudd mention it ... Do they know how massive an issue this is?

Conroy keeps forging ahead like it's already been set in stone and this is very worrying.


Anyhoo , It's a wide and varied issue this one ... there are so many reasons why 98% people are against this proposal ... 1% aren't well enough educated on the matter yet ... and the other 1% is Fucking Conroy! :D

This subject needs to be put to rest so people can stop wasting their valuable intellect on such a shoddy political ideal and start concentrating on things where we can increase our freedom and quality of life. Not debating if we all want to be cencored by a faschist stater or not. lol

Well , It's not the last we'll be hearing about it all unfortunatly ... that's for sure ... if anyone rates themselves as a 'letter' writer i think more letters and statistics (overwhelming) need to be sent directly to the PM or at least someone else higher up , Conroy is a rude prick and hardly listens letalone replies so it's almost pointless flooding him with 1000's more e-mails/Letters as has been done. Maybe some MSMedia outlets should be called on to raise this issue further also.

Look forward to others opinions ...

Cheerz ... and stay Vigilant :thumbsup:


Budman ;)


EDIT: Hmm , was this thread merged with another whilst i was typing? ... or was I just too stoned and only started at Bricks Post on page 1? ;) How curious.

(I clicked on the topic title on the Home Page so I'm sure it started at the start? ... and coulda sworn the topic title had nuthin to do with seeds , t'was internet filtering/censorship ... oh well it probably is just my mistake , My post still makes sense tho even if the topic title doesn't as much :) No Worries and cya later)

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