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edited transcript of CC hearing

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Once I have finished preparing the paperwork I will right up the process necessary and post it could be a couple of weeks. It is very complex and I am trying to find the critical path through the steps of the rules so the application gets us a full bench hearing and is not spat on a technicality.


The rules are here if ya want to have a read. Talk about legal-ese

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awesome read.

i thought the judge was respectful and it kinda makes sense that a jury can only hear evidence based on fact regarding a breach of law rather than arguments regarding the laws themselves, eventhough it sounds tuff it makes sense.


Take the laws of physics, an equation for a falling object for example, anyone can understand it even use it and apply it, but to argue it and change it, would take consideration of many things and much experience that perhaps a non-physics person wouldnt have.


SO take it to the high court where it can be heard like she said. And I wish all the luck in the world.


Its an inspirational stand you taking.

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Can't be too hard on the judge. she had a known conflict of interest in that she is a Government employee upholding a Government law in order and must keep her bosses happy to further her well paying career. That is her choice, we chose not to point it out to her even though we did recognise the fact. Those that judge falsely will be judged very harshly when it is exposed so what she sows she will reap with interest one day, not my gig to precipitate it.

So I reckon she did ok by us

But it does show seperation of powers is a farce. if it was not so important it could be very funny. :)


Danoz the thing is that a jury of reasonable people can always tell what is just. no more no less, we only wanted them to read the wording of the law for themselves and decide if it was fair. no spin, the letter of the law.

You don't need to be a high court judge to decide that, only a person that would treat others as they would want to be treated if in the same position. It is not rocket science after all.

That is the basis of Trial by Jury and to refuse us the right to do so was a breach of natural justice in a democracy from δήμος (dēmos), "people" and κράτος (kratos), "rule, strength which shown best in trial by Jury where a group of peers judge whether the actions of another citizen were criminal or not.

When the clear contradiction between the stated obligations of the treaty and the laws that are supposed to be in place to fulfill it are shown to a group of reasonable people they can decide that. That is why it is called common law.

Edited by lightning
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Oh yeah i definately fully understood where you were coming from and i agree with your arguments, but at the same time i can see that if you could argue the validity of law even in the lowest court then no case would ever finish. Bottom line is, is that if its the high court where you have to make these arguments then so be it.


Aside from the point i made before i spose its just the kinda person i am, i like to order and catergorise things, the system kinda makes sense to me.


I really hope the day comes when u can make your arguments in high court i recon it will get media attention if it gets there which would be a great thing for the cause.

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