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NSW Farmers urged to grow Hemp

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NSW farmers urged to grow hemp

November 20, 2008 - 10:17AM

Source: ABC


New South Wales farmers are being encouraged to start growing industrial hemp.


The Government recently passed legislation allowing the plant to be grown for use in products ranging from bio-fuel to dog food.


The Primary Industries Minister, Ian Macdonald, says measures have been put in place to prevent hemp crops being used to camouflage marijuana plantations.


"The licensing scheme is authorised by our Act of Parliament," he said.


"It'll require farmers who wish to grow industrial hemp to register to get a licence.


"That'll mean that their properties will be then audited and inspected regularly to ensure compliance with the Act."


Mr Macdonald says hemp growth could become a lucrative industry for NSW.


"Already we've had over 200 farmers express interest in growing hemp across the state," he said.


"It could become quite a significant crop in a very short period of time, particularly as various companies utilise the products of it for that broad range of products that can be created using industrial hemp as a base."



Will this force the TGA to re-schedule cannabis? Hemp would still be classed a Schedule 9 poison?



email I sent to the TGA (the Qld poice don't want to play with me anymore so I will pick on the TGA now lol )


To whom it may concern


I am seeking information on the TGA's position regarding cannabis and cannabis products.


Could you advise how a NSW patient has been able to be prescribed sativex yet under Qld health regulations Qld doctors are not permitted to prescribe THC products as it is a scheduled S9 poison by the TGA?


Could you advise if the TGA is now required to re-schedule cannabis Australia wide based on international treaties which Australia is a party to requiring THC products be considered medicine?


Could you advise if the TGA is now required to re-schedule Cannabis as state legislation allows farmers to grow industrial Hemp which is also defined as a S9 poison?


Could the TGA please advise myself of the requirements to produce a S9 poison?


Could the TGA explain why the special access scheme is not workable especially in Victoria and why the TGA has not approached the issue using scientific facts?


Could the TGA advise what Authority they acted under in scheduling cannabis an S9 poison?


your response is appreciated

Edited by entheofarm
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