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Billions Can Be Saved By New Government

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Billions Can Be Saved By New Government:

(18 November 2008)





The new National led government could save as much as five billion dollars a year if they are prepared to address the root cause of its loss, according to MethCon Group director Mike Sabin.


"A study by BERL, Business and Economic Research Group identified illicit drug abuse, headed up by methamphetamine, was found to cost the country around $1.3b in 2006, while alcohol abuse is conservatively thought to cost the country between $1b and $4b a year", said Mr. Sabin .


"We are in the middle of an economic crisis and the new government has signalled a clear intention to maximise productivity and minimise loss and while it seldom forms part of strategic economic thinking, drug and alcohol abuse are leading contributors of economic and financial loss", claimed Mr. Sabin.


"It is estimated that about 77 percent of all drug users are in full time employment and that drug abuse is responsible for two to three times higher rates of absenteeism, 30 percent lower productivity and between 3.6 to 5 times higher rates of accident and injury", claimed Mr. Sabin


"Of just as much concern is the fact that New Zealand now has the highest rates of cannabis and methamphetamine abuse in the world and around 800 000 New Zealanders are thought to be drinking at levels that is causing brain injury," said Mr. Sabin


"Tomorrow the new government and its Ministers will be sworn in and top of their list of 'to do' list will be navigating New Zealand out of this economic minefield. The question remains how far their strategies will go in addressing the root cause of so much economic and social loss", said Mr. Sabin


"It is widely accepted that drug and alcohol abuse is a common contributor to social costs through crime, but there is an anchor holding our economic engine from achieving potential that Ministers would be well served to address. At the heart of productivity is the people who work to create it, and by addressing this issue, there are literally billions to be saved, with the added but significant benefit of reducing crime and social cost along the way," said Mr. Sabin

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Business and Economic Research Group



these groups of slave-drivers are nothing more than greedy obssesed pigs who have no respect for their employees and will do anything at all to increase the power, size and profitability of thier companies ...

all this at the expense of the general public and at the expense of the earth upon which we live , see what these business groups demand from governments now .. Money!! ... business now want taxpayers money in its billions .. these cancerous corporations will not be satisfied until man is entirely enslaved and the world is under their control ...



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if they take a total prohibitionist approach to all mind altering drugs in new zealand on the basis it will make people work better im quite certain it will only take a few weeks to see the error of their ways. think about it for a second and you'll see that a person who is able to enjoy a few drinks, joints, etc. during their free time is a better worker because they are more relaxed at the worst and at best they'll work hard to get their next fix. a drug addicted worker usually wants to keep the money rolling in so they dont want to lose their jobs.


if however they do take away everyones drugs the public will become a bunch of cranky bastards with short tempers that might not be able to help but to quit their jobs in a fit of rage while going off at the boss and everyone else on their way out because of the shit pay and working conditions...next thing you'll see from NZ is the government begging for money because the nation has turned into a welfare state lmfao :rolleyes:

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