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what to grow in Cairns

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need advice on good strain for cairns area ,all my plants are starting to flower now , pissed off cant veg longer where still getting 13 hours of light a day .I know they do big crops up here is see them on news all the time, need somthing to suit 13/11 photoperiod.I know to use sativa ,but witch one . :rolleyes:
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I have grown Durban Poison, Kali mist, purple power and Cali O well outdoors in Cairns before. I found quite a few of the sativas from overseas seed bases wont finish right in the region from Cairns to cooktown. Some folks given there selection of strains manage two seasons a year in Cooktown, dont quite know how as photoperiod is all wrong but Ive seen it done. Finding a nice sativa plant to go the full season, with good yeild, quality smoke and mold resistant, (lots of humidity up here remember), up top FNQ is a mission to say the least. I have done well with the Ducksfoots but not that straong a smoke. Swazi skunk started to flower then reverted back to veg, same as many skunk varieties and other northern Sativas.


At the moment, i have packs of Skunk haze, Haze, top 44, sensi star, a few indicas, cali sunshine, and a few others I will be passing on to a veteran gurilla grower next time I see him. There are plenty out there, just got to find the one that suits your condidtions.

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Hey man i been doing alot of reserch on on the same subject as i have the same problem as i have just moved to cardwell,north qeensland from west australia,anyway 100 per cent sativas like panama or columbian seem to do well up here,at the moment i have durban happening andi am pleased with how well its doing,going to throw in some k.c brains thai and see how that goes, i found with the photoperiod we have here in the far north tropics it is best to give them a good start inside first with some decent veg happening under lights before transplanting outdoors,so far i have had good results with the pure sativas but i dont have any expearence to share with you about growing indicas or the many hybrids way up here in the far north tropics as i have only ever grown them indoors
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This is a tricky one. Ive grown many strains up in the far north and have had dificulty with indicas going straight to flower and sativas taking forever and then reveging on you. I reckon a good compromise is a 50/50 althought the diferent leaning phenos can upset things. The best thing to do is have both in your arsenal and do some breeding. Worst strain Ive grown here is haze. Dont even go there. Mango from kc is good as long as your not flowering during october to december.The pure(skunk1) is 75%sativa and would be well suited. Timing and strain knowledge is everything. I actually found it a right royal pain in the arse to get it right and this is why i veg inddoors and put them out to flower. IMO its the best sure fire method out there for tropical growing BAR NONE.


Good luck

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