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Hemp Seed Can Help Fight Heart Disease

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Manitoba Harvest

27 October 2008

Hemp seed is an ancient superfood that has a rich history of culinary enjoyment, as well as use by cultures as a traditional medicine to enhance health and well-being. Over the past few years, this nutritious and eco-friendly seed has been gaining more attention from nutrition and health experts – and deservedly so. Scientists in Canada, a country where hemp agriculture is thriving and experiencing a rebirth, recently performed research to study hemp seed’s role in maintaining heart health. The title of the abstract from their research sums things up well, “Cholesterol Induced Stimulation of Platelet Aggregation is Prevented by a Hempseed-Enriched Diet.”

In somewhat technical terms, the authors of the scientific paper establish that “Hypercholesterolemia indirectly increases the risk for myocardial infarction by enhancing the ability of platelets to aggregate.” Their research, published in the April 2008 edition of the Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology*, investigated whether hempseed, a rich source of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), inhibits platelet aggregation under normal and hypercholesterolemic conditions. “The results of this study demonstrate that when hempseed is added to a cholesterol-enriched diet, cholesterol-induced platelet aggregation returns to control levels,” noted the authors

The Abstract of the research highlights the elevated concentration of Gamma Linolenic Acid (GLA) in the test subjects, and notes that the heart health benefits may be attributable to the increased levels of GLA. Hemp is a plentiful and rare plant food source of the “super” omega-6 EFA gamma-linolenic acid (GLA). “GLA can be difficult to obtain in the diet,” notes Meghan Atkinson CN, a nutrition consultant based in Los Angeles, California. There are only 4 significant natural sources of GLA: Hemp Seed, Evening Primrose, Borage, and Black Courant. “Of these, hemp seed is the only whole food source that has a wide variety of culinary functions,” notes Atkinson.

In addition to GLA, nutrition experts tout hemp due to its balanced and high concentration of Omega-3 and Omega-6 Essential Fatty Acids, strong digestible protein profile, plentiful fiber, and abundance of vitamins and minerals. Hemp foods offer the richest vegetable source of the Omega 3 & 6 Essential Fatty Acids, and hemp’s overall protein content is comparable to soy beans without containing hormone inhibitors, and is higher than that found in nuts, other seeds, meats, dairy products, fish and poultry.

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Thats all well and good.

Case and point of "NIMBIN" (happy to expand on in a later post perhaps)

But the separation of "indoors vs outdoors vs hemp" only destroys the idealogy of being able to grow your own cannabis plant

"Regardless if you are growing to get stoned or to make T-Shirts or hemp seed soup!"

Hemp advocates will shit all over medicinal users and growers for the sake of;

1. Distancing themselves from the THC issue (BUDS)

2. As long as they can grow their hemp and make top profits.

3. Hemp growers don't give a shit about the tyrannical War on Drugs and its adverse effects on society.

4. Hemp growers would be more than happy to compromise by making the Illegal side of cannabis cultivation _even more illegal_


Hemp advocates have no issue fucking everyone else over in the cannabis community, even in fact exploiting its support base for sales.


Fuck hemp growers, because they would prefer you didn't.

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Thats all well and good.

Case and point of "NIMBIN" (happy to expand on in a later post perhaps)

But the separation of "indoors vs outdoors vs hemp" only destroys the idealogy of being able to grow your own cannabis plant

"Regardless if you are growing to get stoned or to make T-Shirts or hemp seed soup!"

Hemp advocates will shit all over medicinal users and growers for the sake of;

1. Distancing themselves from the THC issue (BUDS)

2. As long as they can grow their hemp and make top profits.

3. Hemp growers don't give a shit about the tyrannical War on Drugs and its adverse effects on society.

4. Hemp growers would be more than happy to compromise by making the Illegal side of cannabis cultivation _even more illegal_


Hemp advocates have no issue fucking everyone else over in the cannabis community, even in fact exploiting its support base for sales.


Fuck hemp growers, because they would prefer you didn't.

Andrew Katelaris is one who I can think of who has supported both hemp and medical cannabis in Australia. Look him up.

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