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coconut milk for plant growth

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hi all


I came across this on WikiPedia:


"In 1943, Johannes "The Moobze" van Overbeek discovered that coconut milk actively encourages plant growth. This was later discovered to be due to a number of factors, but predominantly the existence in the milk of a cytokinin known as zeatin.[4] The addition of 10% coconut milk to the substrate in which wheat is grown has shown substantial improvements in yield."


I could not find much else on the web about adding coconut milk to your plants, except the fact that 10% - 15% milk (not the cream) should be used.


Has anyone tried this?

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Hi -


I did some more reading on coconut milk/water -


apparently orchid growers use it to germinate difficult to grow seeds.


There is a product called 'Cocogro" that claims to be very good for growth, germination and cloning :


"The end product called Cocogro can enhance tissue proliferation in tissue culture, increase vigor and germination of seeds, induce vigorous root formation in stem cuttings and promote vigorous and rapid growth of plants..."


read more at:



I think I am going to give it a try with some cherry tomatoes i recently planted from seed.

Strange thing with tomatoes - I can grow almost any other plant except tomatoes!!

They say parsley is a womans thing and tomatoes are a mans' thing - I wonder....

will have a control and a test subject


will let you know how it goes..


Keep well you all, and thanks for all the great posts!

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try it and let us know how it went.



A mates father swears by his semi organic home made additives to his fert mixes, canna fert recirculated through coco and clay but this is where it gets odd he adds mango, apricot and all sorts of fruit juices and nectors. In the years ive known him his res has never been cleaned and stays a toxic green colour 24/7 recirc but the plants thrive and mothers outlasted mine this year.



Btw tomatos are a prick to grow, cant grow in the same spot year after year, many bugs +catapilllas. But if you prepare the soil make a frame to hold the fruit off the ground like a bean trellis and have an ideal plant shape in mind long and thin(take out all lower nodes) or opposite of LST tied from green hose roof you have a good chance of a harvest. im pulling my plant out now from 20 plants i was pulling a good 40 fruit daily for just over a month with about 20% damaged or cattipilla damaged that i bury in place for next year.

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Yes....I have tried it on a small scale.... I directly watered on soil with it. problem being you cant use to much or it will mold like any fresh organic. mb I should have sprayed it on leaves instead...just thought of that. I learned of it researching and trying to micro propigate. Adding right percentage of auxins and coconut milk produces roots and growing tip from small group of the stem cells. I tried it but you need the right sterile supplies like agar and also to find right amonts of ingriedients.

A Large Seed .....Coconut milk is packed full of growth hormones. I am sure it stuff that botany has yet to discover. Plants are complex.

I think it well worth looking into and experimenting with. Mb I try spraying on leaves. Keep your ideas open to new things you neva know.

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Greetnz Delta

Irey Reasoningz,

yes i hafe love dis.


Tried and proven by every coconut tree since creation

Organic coconut milk is a complete and ballanced Nuitrent Sollution,

designed by Nature for the germination of a Tree.

and not just any tree

a coconut tree

and not just any coconut tree

each coconut is strain specific, no less.

coconut milk is an ideal ballance of vitamin, minerals and sugars for baby coconut trees.

pluss an ideal ballance of NPK and all the Major and minnor nuitrent ratios, for baby coconut trees.

all sourced from the local soil

so each coconut is soil type specific too

and subject to local soil defeciencies<---- a big consideration.

Mother Nature does not make mistakes.

There may be so much more to this story than revealed.

experiments are a must.

so please post your results




Coconut milk would be good, not excellent but certainly good,


for an Organic suplement for first aid, and for final flush


in hydro mixed with water at 100/1


soil at 10/1


Irey Guidance


Hash Oil Rulez

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hey peeps...for researching this or other topics.......try using google scholar..it uses databases of research institutes and international science journals..current info. One catch is you can generally only access the abstract or introduction to an article or document ..unless of course ya know a student at Uni who will be able to download n print off the doc....even better..go to uni with aforementioned Uni-student....you'll be amazed at the amount of research conducted into green by uni's etc..maximum yields per sq/m...nutrient requirmets over plants life etc
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