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3 grows in 1 - Need Some Good Advice Please

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Hey all, just wondering if anyone has tried the following technique and had any luck, ill start by explaining my set-up.

I'm currently using 3 x 600w Hps covering an area 1.2m x 2.4m, the plants are growing in a self built flood and drain set-up

in clay pebbles.


Im just about to go into flowering and here comes the dilemma, Ive been considering (as i have only 2 months left untill i move) wether to try an 8/16 (light:dark) system, where by i rotate the plants, so that out of my 24 there are always 8 in the light room, and 16 in the dark room, changing over every 8 hours, sorry if thats confusing, :unsure:. therefore essentially using 1.8kw of electricity to the equivalent of 3 seperate grows totalling 5.4kw.


Any one got any ideas on how much yield i would lose, im guessing (and hoping) that it would only be around 33% as i have decreased the light period by this much. Also im hoping that the flowering period should be shortened by a couple of weeks too.


Thanks for reading this and any advise and pointers would be greatly appreciated, i'll try and get some pics on here in about a week too when ive decided and started flowering.

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Hey danieljtill,


It is a bit confusing :unsure:


I just used the lighting calculator for your sized room, and it says that 2 x 600w are optimum, 3x being the maximum, why not just put all the plants in the 1 room and put on a 12/12 cycle? Or is there something im missing here?


Also, FLood and drain would be a PITA to move all the time wouldn't it?


As for cutting down flowering time, I was watching a Greenhouse seed company video the other day, where they said by giving the plant a full 72hrs of dark peroid right at the beginning of flowering, the plant will change over alot quicker, hence cutting down flowering time, and stretch.


Less light, and a hurried flowering time will = less yield, but sounds like your gonna be pushing it if you've only got 2 months till you move. :bow:



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Thanks for the reply dude, ye confusing, well was gonna do two lots and switch em over every 12 hours as then i have two grows running almost as though i was using 6 lights, as for the rushing 8/16 cycle have had a lil thought and voted against the idea, for one, moving the detachable pods every 8 hours would eventually do my head in, and then i dont wanna risk messing the whole thing up.


Basically the lights in the one room run constant, and by rotating the plants every 12 hours, each plant gets the 12/12 cycle, guess im just bein a lil cheap, :unsure:, saves me splashing out on 3 more lights. Been doin this system for a few cycles and im gettin about 2.5-3k every 2 months from the 3 lights, i could also set it up so that i have too lots started at different times, giving me bout 1.5k a month, just thought the idea sounded cool, and stuck with it since.


Would still like to here from anyone whos tried the 8/16 light cycle throughout the entire flowering stage.

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Thanks for the reply dude, ye confusing, well was gonna do two lots and switch em over every 12 hours as then i have two grows running almost as though i was using 6 lights, as for the rushing 8/16 cycle have had a lil thought and voted against the idea, for one, moving the detachable pods every 8 hours would eventually do my head in, and then i dont wanna risk messing the whole thing up.


Basically the lights in the one room run constant, and by rotating the plants every 12 hours, each plant gets the 12/12 cycle, guess im just bein a lil cheap, :peace:, saves me splashing out on 3 more lights. Been doin this system for a few cycles and im gettin about 2.5-3k every 2 months from the 3 lights, i could also set it up so that i have too lots started at different times, giving me bout 1.5k a month, just thought the idea sounded cool, and stuck with it since.


Would still like to here from anyone whos tried the 8/16 light cycle throughout the entire flowering stage.



are you saying your turning over 1.5kgs each 2mnths???? if so i want your grow guide cause thats the kinda yeild and turn around i need....how much is your electricity bill each quater for your plants???

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