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Raw Foodists Arrested for Trafficking Chocolate

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Cannabis Culture

by Mike Adams, Natural News (24 Sept, 2008)

If you like using natural, raw, organic products, you will find this story quite bizarre and distressing


When Ron and Nadine from the Living Libations beauty care and chocolate company attempted to fly to the United States in August of this year, they ran into something completely unexpected: Drug-sniffing dogs at the Toronto airport. When their dogs took a special interest in their raw, unrefined chocolate with hemp seeds and superfood extracts, they were arrested, handcuffed and put through hours of tortuous interrogation. Such begins the journey of Ron and Nadine, the chocolate freedom fighters from Canada.


Accused of trafficking two and a half pounds of hashish (which was really just raw, homemade chocolate), Ron and Nadine were arrested, physically separated into interrogation rooms and handcuffed to chairs. Their six-month old baby was forcibly taken from them, and they were immediately subjected to intense interrogation.


This story is just insane! Noted that Cannabis Culture comment that this story is indeed another example of insane Drug War nonsense . . . no apologies from the Police either for their interrogation of these innocent people [not once but twice!?!?!] :D


So why did the NIK drug test reveal a positive result when the cacao was tested? To answer that question, NaturalNews purchased a portable narcotics drug test kit from CopQuest.com, an online supply source for law enforcement. The product we purchased is the Narcotics Identification System, part #6060. It is manufactured by NIK Public Safety, Inc. in Jacksonville, FL.

. . .

It is the belief of NaturalNews that the NIK Narcotics Identification products produce false positives or, at the very least, misleading results that are frequently misinterpreted by law enforcement authorities as positives. NaturalNews has learned that NIK drug tests show positive results for THC for all the following natural substances:


- Organic tea tree oil

- Frankincense oil

- CoQ10

- Raw chocolate


It is important to note that NIK tests carry zero weight in a court of law. But they have the power to arrest, and law enforcement authorities are now openly abusing that power, using these "false positive" to arrest and detain anyone they wish to target (such as raw foodies).


And yet law enforcement the world over it seems insists on using 'testing' devices that are proven to be totally unreliable over and over again . . . :D


I'm just gob-smacked that the powers that be continue to sink SO LOW . . . sad, sad state of affairs . . . :D

Edited by Dragonfan
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