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I sent the following email off tonight to all those on the SA Parliamentary list provided by Sandra Kanck . . . shall tweak it [if necessary] and send it off to any/all other pollies I can find email addresses for . . . may as well stick it under EVERYONE'S noses . . . :unsure:





I have read with great interest the Hon Sandra Kanck MLC's speeches in the South Australian Parliament and believe she is pursuing a most valuable change to the Controlled Substances Bill.


Controlled Substances (Palliative Use Of Cannabis) Amendment Bill, 25 September 2008 http://www.sa.democrats.org.au/html/module...le&sid=1568

24 July 2008 http://www.sa.democrats.org.au/html/module...r=0&thold=0


In Australia the medicinal cultivation and use of cannabis is a criminal offence which goes against Australia's international obligations as part of the United Nations as Australia signed The Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs in 1961 which states . . . "Recognizing that the medical use of narcotic drugs continues to be indispensable for the relief of pain and suffering . . . adequate provision must be made to ensure the availability of narcotic drugs for such purposes".


I am one of thousands who suffer from otherwise unrelieved pain [and associated depression] and would dearly love to be able to medicate with about the only drug I've found to be efficacious for what ails me [insert affliction/s here] without fear of either persecution or prosecution. Noting however that, as with all medicines, marijuana is NOT for everyone, but as modern pharmaceuticals have failed me [and I've tried them ALL] and in effect have made my conditions worse, my only recourse to relieve my pain is to break the law? How is this fair on me, an otherwise honest, law-abiding citizen?


Valuable research has shown, along with the many, many support groups world-wide, that marijuana is a worthwhile medicine and should be as widely available as aspirin! Wade through the propaganda and you will see that if you were in my shoes, you'd be hoping and praying that politicians and lawmakers in Australia will see sense and adopt a humane, compassionate policy for the use of what is in effect a simple, yet marvellous medicinal herb who's true value seems to have been buried by the greed of industry and the blindness of political ambition!


Yours sincerely,

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It certainly is. Andrew Kavasilas is a wealth of information, and is always eager to provide detailed information on medicinal cannabis. I have used this site many times for reference, and support it 100%

Cool bananas, just added the link to the Facebook Group, Medical Marijuana Australia, and posted a couple of their articles on the Discussion Board :D

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