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Medical Cannabis Research Board (Australia) P/L

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Medical Cannabis Research Board P/L - Tincture Trial


The first trial began today.

A GP has kindly agreed to monitor the health of Experimental User No. 1.

BP, bloods, urine, drug screening and ECG were undertaken.

There are still some legal formalities that need to be addressed.


grace :D



Great news. Its good you found a kindly GP. Since telling my GP I smoked pot for back pain relief he has pretty much treated me as if I was a heroin addict. :D I will think twice about what I tell doctors in the future.


Good luck with the trials.

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Nah Mongy they don't call it stalling they call it {   more research need's to be done } Because we Australians seem to be very different people than anyone from over sea's ,It's got me fuck what is so different about us here in Australia than other humans that live in other parts  of the world,But our limp dick pollies think there is,So they need to do a lot more test on the Cannabis because they seem to think that none of the test that have been done over sea's in other countries would have the same effects on us Australians.


I would really love to know what is so different about us Australians to the other peoples that live in other countries.


Come on Gov please let us know.


Or maybe they really think because I call myself  Dingo,I really do have 4 legs.



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Nah Mongy they don't call it stalling they call it {   more research need's to be done } Because we Australians seem to be very different people than anyone from over sea's ,It's got me fuck what is so different about us here in Australia than other humans that live in other parts  of the world,But our limp dick pollies think there is,So they need to do a lot more test on the Cannabis because they seem to think that none of the test that have been done over sea's in other countries would have the same effects on us Australians.


I would really love to know what is so different about us Australians to the other peoples that live in other countries.


Come on Gov please let us know.


Or maybe they really think because I call myself  Dingo,I really do have 4 legs.




Our government are consulting with their party donors to work out a way to give us a marginally effective product with lots of side effects that will need treatment/drugs and the ability to get profit margins that make illegal drugs look cheap.

Yes Dingo we are different here in Australia as most are apathetic morons who believe the mainstream media and mostly vote for the party that Dad and Grandpa did.

Man you have four legs ? I get silly enough with three ?

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