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Medical Cannabis Research Board (Australia) P/L

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Hello to all oz stoners

It's only day 3 so there's not too much to report but we have reserved this name with ASIC wacko.gif

Medical Cannabis Research Board (Australia) P/L

The Australian and state governments have had plenty of time to look out for the health interests of cannabis users.

They have failed us in every respect.

Patients with serious and chronic illness have been denied acess to this great herb which has proven medicinal applications.

It will be set up by users for users.

We will be doing our own research into the benefits of cannabis and lobbying for protection for users, growers and compassion clubs.

The P/L will need to be shown until exemption by ASIC.

love and peace to all

grace wink.gif

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I hope the members here come on board to support this. It is a new way of taking our message to the Government. We are intent on conventionalising an unconventional message, and any and all support would be appreciated.

Count me in for whatever I can do to help . . . I can volunteer secretarial, web design, data base etc services [as long as it's online as I don't get around much these days due to a lack of legal medical marijuana which is the only medicine I've found to be efficacious for me . . . so I really have a vested interest in this :D ]

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Medical Cannabis Research Board P/L - Tincture Trial


The first trial began today.

A GP has kindly agreed to monitor the health of Experimental User No. 1.

BP, bloods, urine, drug screening and ECG were undertaken.

There are still some legal formalities that need to be addressed.


grace :unsure:



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