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The Backyard Garden and kids

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Thats a cool idea ay, talk to the neighbours and ask them if they ever though about growing?

Gather up seeds upon seeds and share/trade with the neighbours, organise a grow street!! in which the street is awear of those who smoke, and those who dont!

Let you fellow growers know you have there back.

Just think if there four people out of 20 houses thats smoke weed an they know eachother then they can help eachother keep an eye out for theifs and pot smokeing police wanting to harvest your bud lol.

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Lmfao .. Most of this thread is utter Bullshit .. I'm glad to see that humans do actually evolve lol


Or yay , lets kill teenagers who rip off our lame crops .. whatever ..


I'd fully killem all with a 12guage automatic SHotgun Machine Rifle ... :) .. heheh idiots ...


So .. It's 2007 now .. Go thru this thread and tell me if you agree ..


Anyone who spouts this sorta tripe these days has some serious issues .. and I say Ban anyone who threatens violence or displays any sort of abuse to anything or anyone .. :toke:


Oh , your Plants got ripped .. So what , be more careful .. or start shooting people .. sheesh ..


Too drunk to reply much more , but I hope you enjoyed my input .. Bang! Bang! ..




Wake Up!

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HAHAHA, the only one dribblin' shit is yaself, as per usual Bman. Slap yaself about, ya may just snap out of it. :toke:


P.S. wanna come round 'n try the cage out?



Lmfao .. Most of this thread is utter Bullshit .. I'm glad to see that humans do actually evolve lol


Or yay , lets kill teenagers who rip off our lame crops .. whatever ..


I'd fully killem all with a 12guage automatic SHotgun Machine Rifle ... :) .. heheh idiots ...


So .. It's 2007 now .. Go thru this thread and tell me if you agree ..


Anyone who spouts this sorta tripe these days has some serious issues .. and I say Ban anyone who threatens violence or displays any sort of abuse to anything or anyone .. :)


Wake Up!


Itsa shame you forgot about that convo we had a few months back. As what you mentioned above is a complete backflip from that evenin... lol

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Yeah I'd agree, violence isn't a way to fix things.

I was going to suggest a rabbit trap, they don't really hurt, but I don't know if they can be bought anymore.


My father was a rabbit culler during the plague, and I grew up with literally hundreds of rabbit traps around the house.


Some freak started peeping in girls windows, and dad, being concerned for my litle siser, set a few rabbit traps around her window.


They scare the crap out of ya, and there is a potential to injure a person, so if you warpped the teeth in pdding..


You'd scare the shit out of an intruder, but that doesnt stop them returning.


As for shooting people and the likes, I remember being in west wyandra one day, and a bloke had fired a 12 gauge shot gun over the head fo a school boy on his way home from the bust stop. he'd swiped a water mellon from some mellon farmer.


A single stray shot found this kid's scull and kille him in a second.


the poor old bloke that shot him near shot himself in retuirn, sobbing on the cameras, he was sayig "i only wanted to scare him"...the kid was local football star, so was well known, the whole town was fully freaked...and of course his parents.


Over a water mellon. Dope might be worth more to us than a mellon, but death is pretty fuskin heavy. I know no-one here would liely do it anyway, but there must be some constructive ways to real with this real problem.


I wonder is motion senisitive lights would fuck up the flowering. amte gre w nice plant under what was (as far as I was concenre) very bright street lighting) and it didnt screw with the heads. Mightn't be the sort of atention you want around the plants though.

A small electric fence, they shock but it's not deadly. depends if you have your own kids too though.



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Killing someone over a plant FFS people wake up to yrselves. No wonder pot smokers have a bad image in the eyes of the general public if this is the mentality they see.

Personaly I hide my plants and tell no one. If some go missing yes I am angry but to kill or bash a kid over it is insane at minimum.

Just because I grow pot doesnt make me a criminal even if the system thinks so, Defending my plants with deadly force does though, be they yandi or a water melon there is no difference imo. It is only a plant.

Have a think about it people, being angry is one thing, condoning murder and violence is very different, especialy on a public forum like OSA.


This thred will be closed by me if it continues.

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Sometimes if you think hard enough, answers can be found in ways you didn't dream of.


Doing youth work from time to time I was doing this day in training where dealing with youth hanging around an area might be solved if it were causing problems. Ways without causing violent confrontation. I know this isn't exactly going to work with people stealing ya dope, but it's what I mean, and maybe it might just give some lateral thought to the subject.


An area had problems with kids hanging around it at night, it was putting customers off or soemthing, and the cops couldnt move them on because they weren't realy doing anything, still they wanted the kids to go somewhere else.

They increased the lighting, but the kids liked that more, cause the girls felt safer, so they hung out later, so the boys stayed longer...They tried trunign the lights down, and that had problems too..they did all these things aimed directly at the kids kinda thing, and none of it worked. In the end, they started to play classical music over loud speakers. It was a 24 hour servo cafe type thing, and until then they had the local radio station playing. The kids hung out half for that reason. As soon as domingo started singin the kids bolted, and they never had the problem again.


Some kids were leaving a local blue light disco every month and terrorising the community, tearing mail boxes down , kicking cars ..real lousy shit. All the arresting in the world just made it worse.

So they put a bar b q on for the kids after the disco for those still pumped up late and not ready to go home, feeding the kids a cheap sausage in a slab of bread and letting them disperse in smaller groups over time solved it.


The best one I heard was a bloke who was sick of the kids hanging around in the park behind his house, smashing botles and stuff. he just walked over and sat down and started talking with them. They buggered off, cause they didnt want this old bloke talking with them lol.


I know the dope presents a goal, the thing you want to stop if an act- theft. But I just wanted to say some answers are found in genuinely unusual ways at times. The problem you have is no new one and if you find the answer let us all know, it'd be worth bottling if you can get something to work. Like Mongy said basically, if plants are found they'll be stolen as a rule, basically all there is to it.


good luck though.


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Killing someone over a plant FFS people wake up to yrselves. No wonder pot smokers have a bad image in the eyes of the general public if this is the mentality they see.

Personaly I hide my plants and tell no one. If some go missing yes I am angry but to kill or bash a kid over it is insane at minimum.

Just because I grow pot doesnt make me a criminal even if the system thinks so, Defending my plants with deadly force does though, be they yandi or a water melon there is no difference imo. It is only a plant.

Have a think about it people, being angry is one thing, condoning murder and violence is very different, especialy on a public forum like OSA.


This thred will be closed by me if it continues.


Ok, betta set the record str8. No doubt as you know there was no mention from me about killing anyone, full stop. There's no firearms, swords, martial arts weaponry so 'n so forth on my property. Never has, and i highly doubt there every will be.


Ever since the missus and meself got rolled by a homeless dude we took in. I made a pact years ago, anyone that messes with either my family or possessions again, is gunna have me to answer to. I've had that stance for quite a lot of years, weather i've been smokin' gunja or not. As i have had a few breaks from it over the years. I could give up the smoko for two years and still have the view. So for anyone to suggest i have this view because i'm a stoner has it terribly wrong.


This view has also comes about from the courts in Australia not dishing out justified punishment. More often than not the criminal is made out to be the victim in a lot of cases nowadays. So when you know the system is going to fail you, you tend ready yourself for such an event. Infact i've spoken to a few neighbours about this and they understand where i'm coming from. It's probably why i'm one of the first people they come to to ask me to keep an eye one their place while there away on holidays or whatever.


There's also been a couple of domestic disputes i've had to step into and help resolve over the years. Usually when this happens, my first thing to do is make sure the kids well being is ok, if not get them outta there until the parents calm down enough and realize what their kids are seein'. Usually when you tell the parents ya don't give shit what their arguing about, and i'm only there for the well being of the kids, most times they tend to gather their emotions fairly quickly.


So yeah, i don't see meself as a psycho (many may beg to differ). If anything, i make like a good boy scout and be prepared. I'm no threat to anyone or anything until someone crosses that line. Then and only then, should they fear me more the the court system. if that's such a bad thing to have out on the streets, too bad. As it's something i regard highly. So there'll be no one dying by my hand if that line ever gets crossed again. But be sure, they'll have me in their face if i ever catch em. T


The homeless guy got the message last time when i finally caught up with him. Chased him in the car, until they realized there was no outrunning me. Reached in, threw the guy outta the passenger seat, grab the dude in the back by both ears and bashed his head against the B-pillar of the car inside. Sounds vicous i know, but it was actually the back of my hand that was taking the brunt of the impact. All that wouldve happened to him is have a bit of brain matter rattled about. No blood split or long term damage inflicted, but i'm pretty sure he got the picture, because i haven't seen him since that day.


It's not the fact that he actually ripped us i was ticked about, it was the violation of privacy that tripped my switch. Possessions can be replaced, but the violation of privacy will always be there.


Soz Mongy, but there's no way in hell i will ever lay down to some turd that wants to mess with my family or possessions. I'm nearly willing to bet me left one you'd have similar feelings...



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:thumbdown: Agreed Indy, not all those replying to this thread have mentioned killing or using weopons but more than enough have imo.


Having the right to defend oneself and family is somthing I belive in strongly Indy so your nut is safe :toke:

This thread started with a story about neighbourhood kids ripping plants though, not adult criminals bailing you and you family up for you crop or whatever.


This thread has stories and advice from some people along the lines of kidnaping, terrorizing, beating and killing KIDS. like I said FFS.


If it's your child ripping off yandi plants or watermelons for that matter, they are only plants, yes they need to be pulled up somehow, but a severe bashing from a stranger, or worse a bullet in the back ? I'd bet my left nut that this is somthing you would not agree with either Indy and just like me, if someone took it apon themselves to bash or shoot your child it would be a protect the family thing after that.


I mean isn't it just easier to hide or secure the plants better. We do it everyday with locks, car alarms, dogs ect. for other items of value to us and think little of it. If someone still wants to steal from you they will, unfortunatly this is the reality of the world we live in, not just Australia. If they do it with force then you are no longer protecting your plants, you are defending yourself and family which is a different topic all together imo.


:ack: Peace MongyMan

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