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Swiss Cannabis legalisation referendum

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Swiss Cannabis legalisation referendum

PR Cannazine

17 September 2008



On November 30th a referendum will be held among the people of Switzerland about whether to completely legalize possession, sale, and cultivation of cannabis.


The initiative is titled: “For a sensible cannabis policy with effective protection of the youth”. (in German: Für eine vernünftige Hanfpolitik mit wirksamem Jugendschutz.)


P.L.R. (liberal-radical party), swiss-socialist party ,Green party and many politicians of popular-democratic party are (voting) for “yes” in the referendum of 30 November, 2008 about decriminalisation of use of cannabis.


The message of decriminalisation is clear: the use of cannabis could be dangerous and it is forbidden under 18 years old, but for anyone over 18 it should be a matter of personal responsibility.


There will of course be strict regulations, similar to the restrictions on Alcohol and Tabacco.


Many politicians feel that legalisation is the only way to effectively protecting the youth from Cannabis, as current prohibition is clearly not working.




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