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Texting more dangerous than dope

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Texting more dangerous than dope

By Jayant Mishra

Thursday, September 18, 2008 11:56 AM




Don’t be surprised if the traffic cop asks you to leave the driver’s seat, while you were on your way back home from Hard Rock pub but instead of checking alcohol, he insists you show him your mobile log, to see if you've messaged someone while driving.


According to the latest research by the RAC, sending an SMS whilst driving is more dangerous than driving after drinking. This is so because when you are texting your hands are off the steering and your mind and eyes are glued on the cellphone, rather than the road ahead.


The test conducted by the UK's Transport Research Laboratory reveals, texting while driving can affect your driving performance drastically. The reaction time goes down by 35% that is 17.5% more than the slow down, legal alcohol limit of 12% has. Surprisingly, driving under the influence of cannabis is also less, i.e. 21%.


So next time make sure you text your girlfriend only after you reach your destination and not while you’re driving. X

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