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Nooby if you think that was an attack perhaps you would never want to meet me in person. That in fact was simply explaining where we come from very simply. I was brought up Brethren until they asked me to leave at 15 until my hair grew back, never has - I have attended many churches since and I stayed with a couple for many years, until they started to give their opinion and call it law from the pulpit, that I will not tolerate on any level. I have always questioned teaching when from my point of view it differs from what I read in the Bible. So here is the reason we are not welcome in any church and pastors simply do not like us at all.


So yep I hate religion as said before that is nothing more than man made rules and then they impose those rules and make them law, please check all the debates that went on in the USA as these beliefs were being debated, it was and still is the Christian moral right that were doing all the demanding, it is the Christian moral right that say Regardless of the science we will never allow this evil weed. Ask any pastor what he or she believes about Cannabis and I know what they say I have asked the question from at least 100 and will every time I run to any of them.


The religious argument is but one very small part of our argument and should be seen as that and not the whole.


OH yeah we are also both Asperger and do tend to piss people off without really trying, so sorry about that we do tend to get a bit annoyed when people don't get what we are saying and I know we also don't give some people a lot of time to get there.


Don't take us too seriously we are not all that bad, however we are good at stirring. :bow: :bow: :P

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the legal argument has not yet been tried(we will when we get there) but as the high court judges have repeatedly said religious observance imposed in law is unconstitutional it is very possible that the argument may get up and with that backing up all the other breaches of the Human rights legislation and the truth of medicinal science being ignored we might just get there

as to the other side of the argument read my thread https://cannabis.community.forums.ozstoners...showtopic=19049 that will give you my views on that .

As to when did I challenge the surmons and where always after the service( I am not rude) and during bible studies or making an appointment to challenge them privately face to face or writing to the personally.

the result has always benn much the same but with varying degrees of venom.


which church? well most denominations if you want I will pm you a list of actual church names and the pastors priests and ministers who have done and said.

We currently do not attend a church because we cannot find one that will welcome us. keep in mind we are both aspie and condemning autistics for being autistic is a popular sport in australia not only in the churches.

PS Aslinger was catholic but then so was al copone

Edited by lightning
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OK, thanks for the clarification. ;-) And believe me when I say that I both understand and relate to your concerns about the 'church' and how it has usurped the real Church.


"The religious argument is but one very small part of our argument and should be seen as that and not the whole."


OK, Cool. Sorry for the misunderstanding. ;-)





Wow, dude, sorry to hear about your experiences with the Churches that sounds pretty crappy. I've been kicked out of my fair share of home groups for daring to challenge the status-quo and the 'religious' aspects of what goes on there but never been booted out of a Church yet. ;-) Mind you I've never had the weed discussion either. I know what you mean though as I have been banned from a couple of 'Christian' websites for daring to to challenge what they claimed about weed.


Overriding all that though when I see what passes for 'Christianity' these days, especially in the U.S. is both maddens and saddens me and most of the time it is merely fascism masquerading as Christ. What's sad is that most non-Christians can see it plain as day but most Christians can't. I guess that's the way of it though and it only becomes an issue when we start to label things in our own minds. I tend to see everyone as the same regardless of what labels they put on themselves, it makes it easier for me to see the real issues that way.


Anyway, thanks for the clarification, I wasn't trying to pick a fight at all.



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no problem Nooby. was not fighting my self only debating and explaining

peace is the only path to truth

war is about dictating to others what they can do, think etc.


Christianity is supposed to be about freedom not fascism as you said.

only raise the weed debate if you really do want to be kicked out of your church or if you have a real sense of adventure it can be a wild ride :P :bow: :) :bow: :bow: :)

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hehe, yah I got enough things to stir them about as it is. ;-)


Though most of the guy there that I DO talk about it with are pretty cool about it. I suspect a few of the Church leaders would be too if they didn't think they had to put on a false front for all the other punters. Quite a shame really, but that's people for ya. PM me if you think i can be of help putting together some kind of theological argument for future reference, or at least a good argument to srt out any objections that get put forth from 'Christian' fascists. ;-)



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nooby just remember cause they are as dumb as dogshit ya have a responsibility to be gentle with them...

until of course they get nasty then take no prisoners.


Jesus NEVER TOOK PRISONERS and he made the whip himself!!!!!


follow his example in all things


walking into the church with a bhong may just be a bit too in ya face though, so I usually leave it in the car :bow:

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