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I inhaled, admits Premier

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I inhaled, admits Premier

September 06, 2008

The Australian



FORMER garbo turned NSW premier Nathan Rees admits he smoked marijuana as a young bloke, but says it was never a habit.


In his first full day as leader of NSW, the 40-year-old was asked if he had smoked cannabis.


"Yes," he told reporters.


"Many years ago. It has never become a habit or anything like that."


Mr Rees also denied ever having ever smelt marijuana on former Aboriginal affairs minister Milton Orkopoulos, his former boss.


Orkopoulos was sentenced in May this year to 14 years in jail for child sex and drug offences.


Mr Rees had said yesterday that like Orkopoulos' wife and family, he knew nothing of the former MP's secret life.


Mr Rees took over yesterday from Morris Iemma, who quit politics after his faction balked

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Why do they always asked if he or she smoked cannabis?

Why aren't they asked if they ever smoked, snorted or injected some other substance?


Why not ask our leaders about all other apects of their lives?


It's always 'have you ever smoked cannabis' like it's the ultimate evil act they could have carried out.


And what's worse they never ever admit to the fact they enjoyed the experience. Bloody hypocrites.

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Sure the pollies have only got two faces?

Reminds me of the joke . . . Why is it that every time someone tries pot and doesn't like it, they go into politics? :bow:

One can only hope though, that Mr Rees is a tad more down to earth than most pollies, considering his 'background' . . . mind you, pollies seem to be a different 'breed' altogether, sadly . . .


Politicians don't inhale, they just suck!

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