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Cannabis Doctor Fights Back

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Cannabis Doctor Fights Back

PR Cannazine

4 September 2008



A practising doctor who was secretly investigated over his medical cannabis recommendations for patients has sued state and local law enforcement officials.


Dr. Alfonso Jimenez, a licensed osteopath, is accusing the San Diego and Laguna Beach police departments, District Attorney Bonnie Dumanis and others of conspiring to entrap him, in violation of a federal injunction against investigating doctors who recommend cannabis “based on a sincere medical judgment.”


Jimenez says local authorities posed as patients in his San Diego medical office in May 2006, then worked with Laguna Beach authorities to conduct a similar sting in his Orange County office in January 2007.


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Jimenez is to go before the Medical Board of California in December, but his attorney, Steven Schectman, said they hope to suspend the hearing while the case works its way through San Diego Superior Court.


A spokesman for the District Attorney's Office could not be reached yesterday.

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