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Im for decriminalization. Im for activism but to get anywhere you'd need to wage war. Not necessarily with the use of violence but to change minds you do have to fight. Fighting is no fun and to get people to fight, you have to make the fight worth it for the fighters, soldiers need to be looked after. I dont see any fighters here... myself included. I do have some ideas... perhaps I'll share them at some later stage.
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For people that want to stand up and be counted, I can't see any real names up here.


gills, I'll show you mine if you show me yours.


niall, how do you suggest we stand up and be counted?


mongy, wouldn't law reform allow everyone to avoid dodgy dealers, amongst other things?


JimzHi, The spoils of war will be the end of prohibition, It may not come in my lifetime but without people trying it will never come at all.

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what "one nation under god"? with totally ignorant comments like that what hope is there for any understanding?, in any case that is the slogan used in the US, not Australia, you know the US, the place where Jerry Springer, hamburger eating contests, illegal immoral invasions, world domination by ignorant assholes, all come from, if you want to follow the stupid you're welcome to it, but don't include me in your fucked up outlook, religitard !!











I agree leafy if more social functions like nimbin were taken into social life as festivals there really isn't much more lies, coverup and ignorance about the negativity of marijuana the government could process. I believe also we do need to speak out as a nation in decriminlizing marijuana and accepting it for the benefits this natural gift gives us under God. Shame on the crown and shame on this one nation under God. It's time for more reform on this issue, instead of putting marijuana users under greater penalties then rapists murderers and theives, or putting them in a medical postion as cancer patients :D now entering a new millenium and population boom is a chance for us to start rallying for this issue.
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niall, how do you suggest we stand up and be counted?


Start with talking openly about your cannabis use with your family and friends, see how that goes. Then, if possible, think about coming out of the closet with the rest of the people you know - friends, work colleagues, anyone who raised the topic in conversation. Then try to represent our community in society and in public - talk to your elected representatives, get active and join the Greens or another party and improve their cannabis policies from within, write Letters to the Editor and respond to articles and letters, get involved in local initiatives like grace's Medical Cannabis Research Board, actively identify anti-cannabis people and educate them, anything you can think of... and vote!


Just be open about the topic and try to change people's views on it - lead by example.

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