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unfortunately Australians aren't willing to stand up in numbers and be counted...


And boy do we drive that point home here on OzStoners.com!


The problem with cannabis law reform is that cannabis users and growers aren't willing to come out of the closet, let alone take action or support those who are trying to do something on their behalf. The problem is us guys, don't delude yourself that you can blame the activists, our politicians, the Australian community... LOOK IN THE MIRROR!


It's really sad to see yet another thread trying to spark up interest and action, only to see it shot down in flames with apathy.


leaf if you're serious please PM me, I'm taking action and supporting strategic, effective initiatives. I'm not willing to waste any more of my time on pointless actions and trying to get the guys here to stand up and be counted. Pipeman had good advice for me a while back, and I've taken it to heart - lead by example, if you do something worthwhile people will naturally gravitate to support you and contribute. Trying to drum up support and build a community first, particularly here, is pointless.


If you are in Melbourne we are in Court tomorrow at 9am trying to dismantle Australian drug laws on Constitutional grounds with sound legal arguments and case law to back it up. Come show your support, PM me for details.

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I'm sorry I joined these forums too late (today) to see that post niall. I would've come for sure.


I am also one who is willing to stand up and not just say 'It's not gonna happen'. I am sick of people waiting for OTHER people to do things. That's how we get NOTHING done.

The majority of people I've talked to say 'no, protesting is not the way to go, we have to show them we are calm, rational and normal people' bla bla THAT'S BULLSHIT!!!! Do you think politicians and cops really have hearts and are actual human beings? FUCK NO.

Do you think alcohol prohibition was stopped dead in it's tracks by friends sending anonymous messages to each other?

I'm up for any protests and to support cases etc. in Melbourne area. Keep in mind I'm only 18 if that matters. Just PM me if somethings coming up!

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sorry i don't know if this has been said im just skimming.


Cannabis views are being changed. I'm 19 and everyone i went to school with agrees that pot isn't that bad for you. In year 12 people were dropping E every weekend without ever have touched pot. Drinking piss and getting in fights then spewing there guts up. Everyone my age knows all it is, is a bit of fun.


One day cannabis will be legal, the trend is becoming more popular in the EU, and with obama hopefully being sworn in, america will change it's view on pot too. knowing australia we will follow america.


If we get the right to smoke pot for medical purposes, problem solved. Assuming it will be as easy to get pot as it is to get anti-biotics which are probably worse for you. Anyone who wants to smoke will be able to.

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The way I see it:


Those users who enjoy it without wanting to make $$$ out of it are FOR decrim / legalisation.


Those users who want to make $$$ out of it via its increased value due to its illegality are AGAINST decrim / legalisation and POO POO anyones suggestions / attempts to improve things, which unfortunately works far too well on the downtrodden majority.


Those that want it decrim / legal should TOTALLY & COMPLETLY IGNORE the nay-sayers & DO SOMETHING - ANYTHING is better than nothing even if it is simply AppleSeeding Everywhere you go where it might grow (good seed, not crap). So What if much of it is stolen, some will evade detection, drop seed & spread, especially if we keep on doing it, year after year after year after year, all over the place, until it's too expensive / pointless for the Gov/Police to remove it all & just give up :P - it grows like a weed!! (here come the nay-sayers)


"JUST DO IT"® & BUGGER the whinging whining greedy nay-sayers.


gorw smoe blals poelpe!

Edited by Kali Mist
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I agree leafy if more social functions like nimbin were taken into social life as festivals there really isn't much more lies, coverup and ignorance about the negativity of marijuana the government could process. I believe also we do need to speak out as a nation in decriminlizing marijuana and accepting it for the benefits this natural gift gives us under God. Shame on the crown and shame on this one nation under God. It's time for more reform on this issue, instead of putting marijuana users under greater penalties then rapists murderers and theives, or putting them in a medical postion as cancer patients :peace: now entering a new millenium and population boom is a chance for us to start rallying for this issue.
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So plead not guilty if your in the position to do so!


Without the small actions of individuals a larger voice won't be heard.


One by one we can whisper, together we can roar.


Out-of-date drug laws are hurting people


Prohibition is killing them




"The problem is prohibition the solution is control and regulation"

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I'm not willing to waste any more of my time on pointless actions and trying to get the guys here to stand up and be counted.......... Trying to drum up support and build a community first, particularly here, is pointless.


:peace: Well good for you niall...sorry we don't measure up to your expectations here. Funny thing is you see, I thought this site was set up with the intention of teaching those that want to grow their own and avoid the dodgy dealers how to do so. Not as a soap box for those that want to use it as there forum for fighting for law reform. If that's your thing then I'm sure you have met allot through here that want to follow that avenue with you so the site has worked as far as "uniting the cannabis comunity" there hasn't it? Alot of members here have allot to lose if they make their use public if you are unaware of that fact. If you are expecting the collective membership of OSA to stand up and march as one on Canberra or the lodge maby someone needs to tell you "your dreamin' mate". If you are so heart felt and active on this issue why not start a new site devoted to activisim and link to it from here? Just an idea.


Peace MongyMan

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