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I think Australia needs more than one mardi grass, and it needs to be near every capital city..

if it were made as big as moomba as in melbourne, and more attractive to the public, we might actually have a chance at cannabis reform.


Remember this is a war of propaganda, and we want to win it, if we are able to spread our views to more people, we might actually have a fighting chance.


The current view is "filthy stoners" we need to change that to "happy friendly stoner who loves everyone"

most people still hold the view marijuana leads to heroin addiction and death... lets thank "reefer maddness" for that one.


I think there is nearly enough of us here to start a new campaign. NORML isnt doing enough, we need to be more outspoken,

If we sit around all day and dream, nothing will happen, we need to take action. Writing a couple of silly little letters wont do much, having people getting arrested wont do shit, what we need to do is protest, and orginise mass ones.


If there is enough of a public outcry, we can expect change, instead of hiding, we need to step out and fight. All we have done for years is the code of silence, running scared of the police, and paranoid of how others will view us.....


If there is someone on here who shares my views, I would be more than happy to start a campaign with them,


If Ozstoners itself can start a donation warchest, and collect at major trainstations we will have enough funding for sure.

there are many people, around 10-20 percent of Australians (from what ive read and heard from statistics shown) smoke Marijuana, and around 75 percent of people have tried it once. Does that mean 10-20 percent of Australians are mentally derranged or criminals?


How many of us get charged every day? how many goto jail, how many of us are just normal people just trying to relax and unwind?


People who cultivate for money, should be allowed to, in actual fact I think Cannabis Cafés should be legal, as long as they are regulated.


Leafy is cracking the shits big time here, and I am calling to all of you, every single member, we need to start a campaign.


if we can start a legitamate cause, I am sure, many, many more people will join. OzStoners is known throughout OZ, and its time we went to push for change.

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it is a nice thought, and to a rational mind it makes sense.

problem is we are not dealing with rational people, it is corporate business deals and scare tactics to scare the sheeple.

our best bet is to just say fuck the unjust laws and do it anyway.

i know its a pain in the arse having to live like an outlaw but thats just the way it is until it suits them otherwise.

i wish i was wrong but thats how i see things.

any "event" that comes up, hey im there.

i wouldnt hold my breathe though

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I hear what youre saying leafy and i feel your passion and its a good thing ;) .. there's been others before you and there will be more after you and im sure there loads of others here who feel the same about law reform too ..

but in Oz i think some ppl have been arguing for about fifty yrs for de-criminalization in some form or other, and to some degree there have been pockets of real reform for short periods of different governments, such as SA where they once were allowed to grow up to 10 plants and only get a fine..

unfortunately the greed of ppl completely buggered that experiment up with every man and his dog growing plants to be collected up by local entrepeuers and bundled up and exported to every other state in Oz.. brought millions of untaxed black money into SA over the years, and the countless young couples who grew for the interstate markets so they quickly pay off their houses .. it was a and still is a cottage industry but since those golden years the penulum of change swung the other way so now its crimminal jail-time offence ... how crazy is that ? completely change direction in law reform that went 360 degree turn!! in the period of about 15-20 yrs ...


since cannabis was demonised and prohibited in the 1930's there has been a orchestrated campagain of propaganda from the press and financed by various governments who have money to burn on brain-washing the public at large into becoming afraid of cannabis ... thats 80 yrs of prejudice and lies passed off as fact you have to try and undo or re-educate ppl

also here's alink to a good american video that is made from 'our' point of view, its a pro-cannabis truth telling it like it is and has good ammunition to give folk a real cause to stop and realise how far the governments have gone to deceive their citizens about a God-given plant from nature and keep it out of ppls reach .. at http://www.marijuanaconversation.org/interviews/

marijuana: its time for a conversation


anyways i wish you all the best with your campaigning :thumbdown:



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Law reform doesn't necessarily need to be done by mass numbers in one place at one time. If you convert 3 people, and each of those convert 3 people, and each of those convert people... well its only a matter of time isn't it? I think the main problem is stoners waste our breath preaching to the converted, or to politicians who are never going to listen anyway unless the idea is popular. So lets make it popular. :thumbdown:
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Hey leafy, you might be onto something there you know..


In reality, all we can do to resist the propaganda is grow and act calm and determined.

The ties for this bs war go back to another country :bongon:


Now when you mentioned moomba.. Not a bad idea. Moomba is an aboriginal phrase for 'in your arse' or as its read 'arse in'.

It was meant to take the piss out of patronizing whites. Who ran with it for their festival name, because they were told the word means 'lets get together and have fun' ;)


People oppressed and patronized for no reason come up with interesting ideas. :thumbdown:

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I think there is nearly enough of us here to start a new campaign.

What gives you that idea? There are very few ozstoners who are interested in law reform. Very few post in the politics section. Sorry to be negative but I've seen so many "we gotta do something" posts result in nothing.

NORML isnt doing enough

NORML isn't doing anything. There is no NORML in Australia. A member here (who was that?) even wrote to U.S.A. NORML asking for assistance and got no reply. H.E.M.P. is still operating but due to the laws regarding political party membership they are on longer a registered political party. If you are interested in cannabis law reform in Australia you need a proper lobby group with people who are well qualified to speak about cannabis. Without that you will not be taken seriously. Either that or join the Greens or Democrats.

If there is someone on here who shares my views, I would be more than happy to start a campaign with them

i would only join in a campaign run by someone who I was certain really had their act together.

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Currently a number of dedicated people are emailing www.basicfraud.com all over the world and people from around the world are downloading material (particularly Australia: The Concealed Colony). When push comes to shove some government, politician or retirement fund manager will do something and the whole pack of cards will come tumbling down.

We have had interest from China, Iran, Hong Kong, India, Japan and Europe (amongst others).

If you use a search engine for 'world newspapers' you may be surprised just how easy it is.



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Top thread leafy.


I know an effective advertising campaign is going to cost a lot more money than we can come up with, however I can't see the harm in coming up with a few key points that we want to get across to the public. Maybe something like;


* X amount of dollars each year are wasted prosecuting people who are excercising free choice.


* Prosecution for involvement in a cannabis crime will cause more harm to the individual than they could possibly have caused to society.


* The medical properties of cannabis are being wasted due to political demonisation of this plant.


Just simple obvious points that the public (hopefully) can't ignore, but will inspire them to care.


Why don't we brainstorm and see what other points we can come up with, (try to keep them in line with what the general public will accept).


I think there is nearly enough of us here to start a new campaign. NORML isnt doing enough, we need to be more outspoken,

If we sit around all day and dream, nothing will happen, we need to take action. Writing a couple of silly little letters wont do much, having people getting arrested wont do shit, what we need to do is protest, and orginise mass ones.


If there isn't enough people here to start a campaign, threads like this will only help to inspire people.


I disagree about the letters, I read letters to the editor nearly every day, and a well written letter is a powerful way to influence points to the reader.


Getting arrested seems pointless.


I'll see you at the next protest.


Law reform doesn't necessarily need to be done by mass numbers in one place at one time. If you convert 3 people, and each of those convert 3 people, and each of those convert people... well its only a matter of time isn't it? I think the main problem is stoners waste our breath preaching to the converted, or to politicians who are never going to listen anyway unless the idea is popular. So lets make it popular. peace.gif




I will happily support any campaign for this cause if I feel it does not affect my personal safety.

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The structure of our political system disfavours minority parties.


Seems you can only rely on sway of public opinion.


Is there only the post-mardi-grass joint-kombi trip that's an annual active protest or is there more?

Because if there isn't any other protests, maybe we should take to the streets a bit more.


Rather than preaching what we all know too well to one another, focus on turning the unaware people onto the truth.

I don't mean giving them a doob :huh: just openly and honestly discussing with them the ideas of personal freedom, freedom of altering our consciousness, the cultural, societal and historical aspects of cannabis and don't forget to mention it's myriad medicinal uses.


Most drug-use is simply misunderstood. Smokers were once considered artists, thinkers, philosophers and today we are seen as couch-bound dunces trying to escape 'reality'.

It's time people understood just how little they truly understand about 'reality'.


One well informed person can easily share all the info about why cannabis should be decriminalised or legalised with hundreds, if not thousands, of people in a single lifetime.

And I'd like to think a lot of us try. :peace:

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