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Cannabis clubs in Spain legal

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Cannabis clubs in Spain legal - Belgium forms 1st club recently

PR Cannazine

18 August 2008



Recently several charitable "cannabis clubs" were founded in Spain. The lawfulness of which are now confirmed, and sanctioned by courts in Catalonia and the Basque region.


People join the cannabis clubs to grow cannabis together and distribute it to members of the club at cost price.


Only members have access to the growing rooms and the cannabis.


In Spain trade with cannabis is prohibited, but possession for personal use is legal.


Its a European Dis-Union so far as cannabis is concerned. In Spain you may grow your own supply thus keeping you away from those nast drug-dealing types, but doing the same thing in the UK is liable to see you convicted on a 5 stretch. So what exactly is the point of Europe?


Isn't it about time the whole of Europe followed suit by allowing responsible adults to decide for themselves whether they kill themselves with one particular recreational drug or another?


A court in Bilbao, the biggest city of the Basque region, cleared four defendants of a cannabis club with 66 members from the prosecution of illegal cultivation of 150 kg of cannabis (fresh whole plants that resulted in 17.4 kg dried cannabis).


39 members use cannabis for medical purposes.


ENCOD (European Coalition for Just and Effective Drug Policies) , a European organisation for the change of the drug laws regards the Spanish cannabis clubs as a model for other countries.


Recently the first association of cannabis growers was created in Belgium. As in Spain the possession of cannabis for personal use in Belgium, is legal.


Isn't it about time your government acted out a similar law change?

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