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WA Libs vow to get tougher on drugs

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Yep... more senseless garbage. I keep saying the same thing over and over... im an adult so where the fuck do others get off on telling me what i can and can't put into my body.


When my choice of drug starts affecting others, then they may have some grounds. Until then leave me the fuck alone and go deal with the real problems in this world.


In the same sense i sort of can't wait til i get busted. And now your probably all thinking i just lost my nut. Why would i do that? Well lucky for them they haven't stepped on my toes yet but the day they do their gonna have one hell of a fucking fight on their hands, as i'll pour every cent, every last second of my time to destroying the lot of em.

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the seperation of church and state is a good idea unless your a hardcore christian :sick for some reason those people seem to think they have the right to force their morals on others and use their religion to gather up supporters until they can create their own politcal groups lol


personally i believe church and state should be totally seperate. i think there should be no in god we trust on court walls, churches, mosques, etc. should pay the same taxes as any other business, there should be no scripture in any public school and on the subject of schools i believe there should be zero funding given to religious schools of all descriptions. what do you think the chances of state and church becoming that seperated without christians turning into suicide bombers? lol


So true WDC ....

the truth keeps coming out about some of these hyprocrits but people still follow them and they continue to obtain government funding.

At least he didn't blame cannabis or canna porn lol

Maybe the followers will see the light and start thinking for themselves. :bongon:



Pastor conned followers with his fake cancer 'over porn addiction'

Elissa Lawrence

Sunday Herald

August 24, 2008 12:00am



THE father of a disgraced Melbourne preacher who faked a two-year battle with cancer says his son's porn obsession fuelled the deceit.


Shocked father Danny Guglielmucci - also a minister - said his son Michael's bizarre double life was underpinned by the 16-year addiction.


Michael Guglielmucci, until recently a preacher at the popular Planetshakers youth church in Melbourne, inspired Christians around the world with a hit song, Healer.


The song featured on Sydney church Hillsong's latest album and debuted at No. 2 on the ARIA charts.


But the high-profile church leader was stripped of his credentials this week after he admitted fabricating his battle with terminal illness.


The deception included conducting performances with an oxygen tube in his nose and telling audiences he had broken bones and other unexplained symptoms.


In an exclusive interview with the Sunday Herald Sun Mr Guglielmucci said he, his wife and Michael's wife had no idea about the deception until recent days and they were all in "absolute shock" to discover Michael wasn't terminally ill.


"My wife and I, over the past two years, have watched him vomit in buckets, having nose bleeds and even his hair fell out in clumps at one stage," he said.


"As a professional minister I've stood in front of my congregation and cried and said to pray for my son."


Mr Guglielmucci revealed his son had suffered "mystery illnesses" since the age of 12 -- about the time his porn addiction began.


Mr Guglielmucci said his son was not motivated by fraud, but by guilt.


"To deal with the guilt he would pour himself into doing good work. He's touched the lives of young people all over the world. Now they are all affected by this."


He said his son was undergoing psychiatric assessment with Adelaide doctors.


"They have said to me that he is very ill. They are assessing where reality stopped and fantasy kicked in and what's caused all this," Mr Guglielmucci said.


Guglielmucci's fake battle against terminal illness had attracted the support of Australian Idol winner Guy Sebastian.


It is understood Guglielmucci had performed onstage with Sebastian, whose MySpace page yesterday still included a link to a website where supporters could raise money and show support.


Guglielmucci's bank accounts are being audited by his church and leaders have promised any money raised deceptively will be returned or donated to charity.




Raises more questions that it answers. If his Minister father knew of a "porn addiction since he was 12" how did the son even get a foot in the door as a pastor? How did he pass first base? In some Pentecostal Churches nepotism reigns. As long as you can "tralk the talk," manipulate people's emotions, pass on showmanship and be the child of the pastor, you're in. Forget character, consistent Christian living and a well-reounded theological education. Those things don't rate ... its just that they happen to be vital in order to avoid the pitfalls and temptations that go with the territory of genuine Pastoral leadership.

Posted by: Gary of Boronia 4:35pm today


There are no winners in this situation, only a lot of hurting people. Who knows why anyone would do this, or what part the porn addiction played. I honestly hope that this is not the end of this young man, but healing and restoration can take place. That whatever sickness there has been (mental or physical) is being treated by the best possible professionals. Anyone who has any doubt that God will forgive him needs to recheck their Bible, I just pray that people can show the same grace God will.

Posted by: Tom Wood of 4:13pm today


He can use all the excuses in the book. God sees the truth in all its ugly glory! He must have missed the verse that said "Abide by the law of the land you live in."

Posted by: oh! of 2:46pm today


As a Christian who knew of Guglielmucci I am both saddened and shocked by this event. One of the positives out of the whole sad affair is that apparently he was caught out after an audit by the Administrator of Hillsong Church itself. For any who know the senior minister of this church they will appreciate that he will make great endeavours to ensure full propriety with the money that was raised. Brian Houston and the staff of Hillsong will be devastated by this event as they expect not only the highest standards from their church members but even higher from those who are either on staff or officially associated with them.

Posted by: Barry Fleming of Melbourne 2:36pm today


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