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WA Libs vow to get tougher on drugs

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WA Libs vow to get tougher on drugs

Alana Buckley-Carr | August 12, 2008

The Australian



THE West Australian Liberal Party will toughen up drug laws if it wins government at the coming election, Opposition Leader Colin Barnett said today.


Making the announcement at a residential drug treatment facility in South Perth accompanied by shadow youth minister Donna Faragher, Mr Barnett said several changes would be made to drug legislation, including stiffer penalties for drug dealers who target children or manufacture drugs in children's presence.


Ms Faragher pledged that a Liberal Government would repeal the Carpenter Government's “soft” cannabis laws, introduced in 2004, which allow police to fine cannabis users rather than charge them.


“We believe that sends a very wrong and harmful message,” Ms Faragher said.


“We believe that cannabis is neither a soft or harmless drug. We will not tolerate cannabis use, much like any other drug use.”


She said a Liberal Government would introduce a “one-time only” cautioning system.


The drug policy would also ban the sale of drug related paraphernalia, such as bongs, from sale.


“This is about protecting our community and taking the issue of drugs seriously, rather than treat it as a joke the way Labor has since 2001,” she said.


“Over the past seven years, Labor has had ample opportunity to fix drug and related law and order issues but it has instead turned a blind eye.”

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bastards lol


It gets worse ...

why can't these busy body christians mind their own business ...

what ever happened to separation between the state and the church?



Christians block preferences

20th August 2008, 11:45 WST




The Christian Democrats have blocked preferences to the major parties in Dawesville and Kalamunda because of the sitting members' positions on abortion.


Party state director Gerard Goiran said the strong pro-choice voting record of Kim Hames and John Day, meant the party could not direct prefernces to them.


“But we could not either in good conscience direct preferences in favour of the Labor candidates in these two seats” Mr Goiran said.


“This Labor government has legalised prostitution, decriminalised the possession of cannabis, facilitated the adoption of children by gay couples and allowed the teaching of homosexuality in sexual education classes in government schools. :)


We cannot support them.” lol


The block also extended to the Labor seats of Cannington, Midland and Mindarie, where Mr Goiran said the prolife views of each Labor candidate were no longer sufficient reason for the Christian Democrats to direct any preferences in these seats.


Of the 46 electorates in which the Christian Democrats are fielding candidates no firm preference recommendations will be made on the party’s how to vote cards in these five seats.

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the seperation of church and state is a good idea unless your a hardcore christian :) for some reason those people seem to think they have the right to force their morals on others and use their religion to gather up supporters until they can create their own politcal groups lol


personally i believe church and state should be totally seperate. i think there should be no in god we trust on court walls, churches, mosques, etc. should pay the same taxes as any other business, there should be no scripture in any public school and on the subject of schools i believe there should be zero funding given to religious schools of all descriptions. what do you think the chances of state and church becoming that seperated without christians turning into suicide bombers? lol

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im a lil bit high here and probably a bit off topic

but im sure thats cool


what i want to ask is

has anyone else noticed the similarities between fundamentalism and fascism?

like really thought it out?



i mean fundamentalism


wiki: "Religious fundamentalism refers to a "deep and totalistic commitment" to a belief in the infallibility and inerrancy of holy scriptures, absolute religious authority, and strict adherence to a set of basic principles"


and fascism


some dictionary thingy: "A system of government marked by centralization of authority under a dictator, stringent socioeconomic controls, suppression of the opposition through terror and censorship, and typically a policy of belligerent nationalism and racism."


all tho its not a direct correlation of each other (or is there?) they share so many of the same goals and methods


and you can see it in America

and from what ive heard there are fundamentalist moving here and setting up shop to influence our government (the Howard government at least) towards there views and beliefs


i mean censorship and terror on drugs and media games movies our lives


its crazy!


or maybe im just high?

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Ms Faragher pledged that a Liberal Government would repeal the Carpenter Government's “soft” cannabis laws

“We believe that cannabis is neither a soft or harmless drug. We will not tolerate cannabis use, much like any other drug use.”

Ah, more mindless prohibitionist rhetoric this time from a pair of Western Australian parasites/politicians.

Excellent! so when can we expect to see this dumb bitch stamp out Aspirin and Panadol abuse, tobaco addiction and alcohol consumption? What a champion >:(


Ms Faragher pledged that a Liberal Government would repeal the Carpenter Government's “soft” cannabis laws, introduced in 2004, which allow police to fine cannabis users rather than charge them.

“We believe that sends a very wrong and harmful message,” Ms Faragher said. She said a Liberal Government would introduce a “one-time only” cautioning system.

Listen to the fuckin hide of this dog. She talks about messing in our lives like we are a bunch of retarded school children who have been waiting to be shown some guidance, from her and her parasitic cohorts!! :sick why do we keep employing people like this to run our lives??



“This is about protecting our community and taking the issue of drugs seriously, rather than treat it as a joke the way Labor has since 2001,” she said.

“Over the past seven years, Labor has had ample opportunity to fix drug and related law and order issues but it has instead turned a blind eye.”

The only joke is her backwards, misinformed, dictatorial, pompous, divisive, fuckin shithouse opinion. Get a real job you grub, and stop harrassing the people your paid to represent :bongon:

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those dickheads better not get into power. Surely ppl are gonna get sick of following america on cannabis prohibition and accept it as part of life. i hope rudd reveals his true stoner colours and legalizes it so dumbass state pollies have no say in it. hey its my dream and no one can take it away from me. :bongon:
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Ah, more mindless prohibitionist rhetoric this time from a pair of Western Australian parasites/politicians.

Excellent! so when can we expect to see this dumb bitch stamp out Aspirin and Panadol abuse, tobaco addiction and alcohol consumption? What a champion >:(



Listen to the fuckin hide of this dog. She talks about messing in our lives like we are a bunch of retarded school children who have been waiting to be shown some guidance, from her and her parasitic cohorts!! lol why do we keep employing people like this to run our lives??




The only joke is her backwards, misinformed, dictatorial, pompous, divisive, fuckin shithouse opinion. Get a real job you grub, and stop harrassing the people your paid to represent :bongon:



Hey bufo

I hope all is well lol

BTW any comments on the Christians Block Preference article :sick



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Any comments on why Christians do what they do with no logical reason? Ummmmmmm that's too much for me to spit out in one post grace :sick

I had a full catholic education myself and remember smelling a rat somewhere around grade 6 I think? lol so errr, it never ceases to amaze me what rubbish will be touted as the truth.

Like why is it preferable to bring child after child into the world in countries ravaged by famine and disease instead of responsible birth control?

This sort of mindless, stoneage cultism(organised religion) would be laughable, if it wasn't so dangerous >:(

Thanks again for posts grace, they never fail to stir me up :bongon:

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Any comments on why Christians do what they do with no logical reason? Ummmmmmm that's too much for me to spit out in one post grace lol

I had a full catholic education myself and remember smelling a rat somewhere around grade 6 I think? lol so errr, it never ceases to amaze me what rubbish will be touted as the truth.

Like why is it preferable to bring child after child into the world in countries ravaged by famine and disease instead of responsible birth control?

This sort of mindless, stoneage cultism(organised religion) would be laughable, if it wasn't so dangerous >:(

Thanks again for posts grace, they never fail to stir me up :bongon:


Ah ha!!! Another one who did not succumb to the brainwashing. I too was taught by nuns and brothers bufo. So I know where you are coming from. All in the name of God. :sick

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