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these are the docs that contract the gov to allow roc cannabis


send these doc to pollies via regestered mail, with a confermation of acceptance





summary of oz law




a good affidavit to take to court




laws and maxiums of laws, they dont want you to bring into the matter at hand




a stat dec requireing international law to be brought into the matter at hand


peace be with you

love form roc




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Hey there. I remember you replying to my busted growing forum.


That is still going on and i now have a date for towards the end of august to get sentenced in the supreme court in QLD.


I remember Rock from up at Woodford folk festival. How is he going these days? Is he still going through court? I spoke to him over two years ago now and he had only been charged with growing back then.


As my sentence date draws closer, i wanted to ask you some advice, i have a condition called os good schaltters disease which i got when i was 14. IT affects my knees and cause me a deal of pain. I can goto the dr's and get him to write a certificate to say that i have this disease still.


I was smoking weed at the time to aid with this, but since i got busted growing, i have laid off the weed in fear of being caught again. To get by i just pop painkillers when my knees play up which is 3-4 times a week.


Do you think that it is worth telling the court that i have suffered with this knee deal for over 10 years and was using weed to help with the pain etc, or will they just think thats a cop out reason. IF you think it's worth a shot, then is all i need to get from the Dr is a medical certificate and take that to my lawyer to give to the judge?


Any help would be appreciated at this time of my life. I love this site and all those who contribute to making it what it is.





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saying you used it for medicinal reasons wont get you out of trouble at all. some judges might think you were doing the right thing to avoid being on perscription herion and shit like that and will give you a smaller sentence, but another judge might think you are trying to bullshit him and give you the maximum. personally i dont think it could hurt, especially if you have a letter from a medical professional who thinks you are better off on pot than pharmacuticals lol
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I remember Rock from up at Woodford folk festival. How is he going these days? Is he still going through court? I spoke to him over two years ago now and he had only been charged with growing back then.



Rock's Update




On 17 March 2008 Rock was refused bail at the Roma St Magistrates Court at Brisbane. A hearing was set down for 3 June 2008.


On 18 March 2008 an urgent bail application was filed in the Supreme Court at Brisbane on Rock's behalf.


On 25 March Justice Douglas of the Supreme Court, Brisbane granted Rock unconditional bail.





On 16 July 2008 Rock was refused bail at Lismore Local Court. The matter was stood over to 10 October 2008 to be heard at Byron Bay.


On 28 July an urgent bail application was filed in the Supreme Court at Sydney on Rock's behalf.


On 7 August Justice Norrish of the Supreme Court, Sydney granted Rock immediate bail.



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