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LEAP Blog: Smoking cannabis where Tobacco smokers smoke Tobacco

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Not sure If I posted this already?


Either way, here is my most recent LEAP Blog....


Hope you all enjoy!








Hi Folks…


My apologies for not being around again for a while. Not only have I

been extremely busy again, I had also run out of cannabis the past few

weeks and found it difficult to get out of bed and stay awake thanks

to all the pills I take when I have no cannabis. Between being so busy

and then dropping like a rock I feel like I've been run over by a

train! I SWEAR my Government knows this is how I become when I can`t

fill my prescription for this plant. Very disheartening to say the least.


Speaking of my being busy, I had another trying month here in Canada.

There have been two fairly important issues that have risen in our

country that are breaking ground for medical marijuana patients across



The first incident involves medical marijuana patient Steve Gibson,

who happens to reside around the corner from where I do in a small

town called Oakville, Ontario. Mr. Gibson, or Steve as I now know him,

is a legally licensed cannabis patient due to issues with constant

chronic pain from a work related neck injury a number of years ago.

Steve frequented a local bar/eatery, and one particular day as he

usually did there and when required, he proceeded to the patio with

tobacco smokers to smoke his legal medicine, cannabis. The owner had a

probem with this.




Smoking is the fastest route of administration for those of us with

severe nausea due to said pain and also delivers a stronger form of

administration to the patient, requiring much less cannabis.


Seems the owner, a very ignorant man by the name of Ted Kindos, didn't

feel this was okay on his property and promptly threw Mr. Gibson out

of his Restaurant, yelling out for him to never return again!


Steve Gibson knew this was blatant discrimination against those of us

who choose cannabis as medicine and proceeded to file a lawsuit with a

Canadian entity with a branch in Ontario known as Human Rights, asking

for a small amount of money and for the right to use cannabis where

tobacco smokers smoke their cigarettes. We at least had that way to

turn, thank God! Ted Kindos was also ordered to write a letter of

apology for the way in which he treated Mr. Gibson and discriminated

against all cannabis consumers. A great way to resolve this issue,

though still in the works Steve told me when he called today....




For the remainder of my Blog please go to:




Love and a squish,





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Great blog.


I can understand that an owner might be alerted if randoms light up outside their premises but it seems he knew Mr.Gibson and was aware of his condition and legal medication. The argument in one of the articles of the liability issue of serving someone taking illegal drugs when they are legal medicine is a non issue.


Keep up the good work!

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Thanx so much Lowryder, I SO agree. I didn't see this until now doll, sorry for the delay in answering... :peace:


Check out my most recent Video on CH NEWS a National Satellite show to see just what I've been up to...


Thanx tons again for your support sweetie... :wacko:


Love and stuff,





Edited by Alison Myrden
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