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What Kind of WATER do I use?

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pure water rulez

sun light kills chlorine in a few hrs

filters will help

but what does 1 do with toxic waste in the spent filter has always left a bad taste in my mothers mouth

there are organic and even bio dynamic ways to purifie and charge the water with positive energies to enhance waters life sustaining qualities

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i have been told that drinking pure reverse osmosis water is bad for you because it will strip ya body of its goodness.


i was told that if i should wont to drink RO water, i will need to put calcium & mag in the water to stop myself from becoming ill.



this may not be 100% true


only trying to help :thumbsup:

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The go with chlorine is to give the water as large a surface area as possible to evaporate off. Some time, let it sit.


RO can let chlorine thro, as do normal carbon filters.

It's true about the r/o method stripping out good minerals, with the particles, bacteria etc. Like with the chlorine tho, it might let some chemicals thro (herbicides etc)


Good water to all.

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