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Creating Super Stealth Mutant Bud!

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I posted the same thing today at PS but couldn't get into this site for some reason. Anyway this is the most fucking coolest thing i have ever seen.


A friend showed me one unholy mutant yesterday. It looks like bud but just in a deformed gollum way. Apparently when it is growing it looks nothing like weed at all. All the fingers have joined together and the growth is twisted. You should have seen his vege garden as well! WEIRD vegetables. He has a snow pea plant that has only a couple of pods on it but the peas are nearly the size of marbles! He's been playing with this in the last couple of months and has gone a little overboard, i wish he'd shared this with me when he found out about it tho.


This is how to do it, now you are going to need a shitload of seeds for this because 1 in 10 will die straight up. And then of the remaining, 50% will be funky the other half will be normal.



Go to a nursery and buy yourself this plant called autumn crocus, they're pretty common, i picked some up this morning.


Ok so dig it up and there is a bulb, chop up a couple of them real fine and then put some warm water with it. Leave for a little while and then strain it. Don't get the tea on you cause i think it would be poisonous, anything that mutates genes probably isn't good for you.


Use this tea to water your seeds with (just once) and 50% of the resultant plants will be very funky. Because the fingers are joined together and the plants do not have the traditional christmas tree growth they are far easier to conceal. However once they start budding they do look like weed so don't be too brazen with where you put them. Outdoors it will help considerably because rippers won't be able to find them whilst they are veging. By using this method you can get your favourite strain and make it very stealth. I wish i had a camera, this is really amazing stuff. I was so excited about this when he showed me the plant, this will change things for people hey. The plant hasn't been harvested yet so maybe what you gain in stealth you may lose in potency, who knows, it might be even MORE potent.

I am going to try this with ruderalis indica x sativa seed that i have collected. I let a ruderalis indica fertilize a whole plant so i have a fair bit of seed to play with. Maybe i might be able to make a plant that grows all year round and still gets a good yield and is easy to conceal. Imagine that, a plant that grows off season and doessn't look like dope!

Alright guys have fun with this one, i know i will.

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:peace: The chemical you are talking about is called colchacine and yes it is poisonous. It is a known carcinogenic and can mutate your cells just as it can plant cells. TREAT IT WITH CARE. It is used to create polyploid plants which are plants that have multiple sets of chromosomes. It works by stopping cell division after metaphase, when a cell has duplicated its chromosomes ready to split and make two new cells and before anaphase when it does, which leaves these cells with multiple sets of chromosomes. Polyploid plants can have benefits and negatives, the main negatives come from breeding from polyploid plants as you can easily end up with plants with many different numbers of chromosome sets which can cause all kinds of problems. Normaly cannabis has two sets of chromosomes or is diploid, with three sets it is triploid, four is tetraploid, five is pentaploid and so on.


The diagram below shows a cell in metaphase with the chromosomes copied and lined up along the middle of the cell ready to start anaphase and divide. Just below on the right is a cell already in anaphase where you can see the chromosomes have split and are being drawn to either end of the cell.




Do you have any pics ekul? They don't look anything like the plants in this link do they?




Peace MongyMan

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First time I remember reading of colchicine's use was in 'The Marijhuana Advanced Growers Guide' I think?, early 80's.

The colchicine was obtained from gout tablets? and the strike rate was something like 1 plant surviving from 100 seeds.

I have no first hand experience but the article warned not to smoke the buds off the first seed plant, rather to make more seed for further crops that could be safely smoked

Sounded like a good idea to stay away from it :peace: How's the saying go? 'A little knowledge is a dangerous thing' :P

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It sort of looks like those pics except the leaves have no fingers at all. They were just one sort of rectangular leaf. The buds looked completely different though, much more chunkier and full. This is the only part of the grow cycle where you have to worry.

Also I don't understand why the first generation would not be smokeable. I mean the poison that you are using to mutate them is in a pretty small concentration to start with and then even further diluted as the plants get bigger(if it even stays in the plant). Also if its in gout tablets then wouldn't that mean that in a small concentration this poison is safe? You know what they say 'the difference between poison and medicine is dosage.' Though I do think that while the bulbs and tea are being prepared that people should use latex gloves so that the poison does not give you cancer.

If my friend is getting most of the plants coming up then maybe using the autumn crocus bulbs is even more diluted than using the gout tablets which is why some of the plants still look normal and only 10% die off at the start. i can't see that the plant would be unsafe but i will look into it further.

But aside from that I really think using this method to mutate your favourite strains has an enormous potential. Its strange that as soon as someone comes up with something a little different that could keep everybody a little safer people try picking holes in it. If we all worked together this could be an amazing thing that would see alot of us not worrying so much about whether or not we are going to jail this year.

This plant that i have seen is real and the buds look pretty good but while it was veging it was pretty much invisible to the unseeing eye, do you not see the benefits of this? I must say that neither he nor I have smoked it so the verdict is still out on that one. But if it is good then i think this will change alot of peoples lives.

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...........with something a little different that could keep everybody a little safer people try picking holes in it. If we all worked together this could be an amazing thing that would see alot of us not worrying so much about whether or not we are going to jail this year.


lol Ummm Ok. I'm a bit lost. Picking holes? I thought I was just contributing my 2c of knowledge on this subject.


This plant that i have seen is real and the buds look pretty good but while it was veging it was pretty much invisible to the unseeing eye, do you not see the benefits of this? I must say that neither he nor I have smoked it so the verdict is still out on that one. But if it is good then i think this will change alot of peoples lives.


:wave: Benefits, what benefits? -.- Of corse people see the benefits of a stealth plant. Relax, have a cone :) Do you have any pics? Any mutant has me interested. It is common for polyploid plants to show with a distorted leaf shape. Sometimes potency can be increased also. The problem comes when breeding from these plants and unless you or your mate already have a good understanding of genetics, I would start doing some reading or you are not going to have much success with your plans. Breeding from polyploid plants is hard even at the best of times.


Peace MongyMan

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Yeah man, why post if you don't want responses? Look at the trouble Mongy went to to post that pic of altered chromosnes for your perusal.

That almost useless bit of info has been in my head since reading it as a youngen like yourself, but if you were serious you'd try track down as much information as possible and that book reference was one you know nothing about so..... ?

People tried this crap 20-30 years ago, but hey, feel free to reinvent the wheel and smoke yourself to a possibly cancerous demise if you must. Happy gardening :wave:

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Just the thought of mutating my plant/s thru means that aren't totally natural scares me. lol


Ok, so it is advised not to smoke the first plant/s that you 'treat', but what about the long term ramifications of such a mutation?


What is the plant going to do to you in say 10 generations time with this mutation in it's genes? -.-


Not something I would be game to play with.

I am quite happy with the way nature intended the plant to be, and if you can't grow outdoors, then grow indoors. :)


But that's just my thoughts on the matter. :)



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I wasn't talking about you mongyman, i found your information relevant and useful. I was refering to bufo because i thought that his post was dismissive, because it was. Even to go so far as to suggest in his next post that because i'm young, i'm stupid. Why is my post a useless piece of information bufo? Have you tried it? Proved it wrong have you mate? I know what i saw so obviously you haven't tried it, and if you have, you didn't do it properly because you would have seen that the plant no longer resembles marijuana. As for being young (and thus stupid?) I may only be 23 but i'm not stupid. I started a degree in pharmacy when i was 17!! I left school early because i got put up a grade, so i'm not an idiot. RANT OVER


However i do admit I didn't know that this colchicine and autumn crocus thing had already been thought about before, i have heard about the gout tablet thing before but i thought that was to turn bad pot good, and i thought it was a myth. All i know is when i saw that plant in all its deformed glory i knew that this was a good thing.

I still doubt it very much that there would be a such build-up of colcichine so high that it would act as a mutagen when the plant matter was consumed. First up, you're using a very little amount to start with, and the plant is NOT going to start producing its own colcichine. If a marjuana plant was capable of that you would soak your seeds in a N-P-K solution and then would never have to fertilize them again. (I'd add morphine to the solution as well.)

Another thing is, maybe people haven't really played around with this much, i mean if i had read the literature rather than seeing it with my own eyes and seen that only 1 in a 100 treated plants survived (which is wrong anyway) then i probably wouldn't bother either.

I am def going to play around with this, and if it works then i will have taken away some of the stress out of growing. I want to find out if there is someting more to this, maybe the colchicine lowers the THC or something and THAT is the reason that it is not a popular practice.

"I would rather try and fail, then never try at all"

Edited by ekul
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