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silica plus?

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at the hydro shop today and asked the guy about PH up. He said that instead of using chems that the plants can't use he recommends a product called "Silica plus". He said its normaly used as a foliar feed but can also be used to raise PH, and will help growth either way.


I seem to remember a thread with "swing" in which some raised a concern about using silica....or have I got my wires crossed? anyway I told the guy I had heard that silica may be bad for you and he said he didn't know why, because it is a naturally occurring substance and is absorbed through the root system.


anyway, I decided to leave it, just wondering if anyone else here had an opinion.

Edited by pipeman
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I have just run a search on silica, it seems that silica dust is at least as detrimental as asbestos dust, I don't know if that's a problem once it's been processed through the plant or not, but I wouldn't feed asbestos to my plants so I'll stay away from the silica as well.



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